i haz none again. a severe cut in my hours has led to almost no money. i did manage so save up enough to pay the massive electricity bill ($201 goes up every month!) but now rent is due today.
my gf's mother is supposed to handle that. it's the only bill she has to pay while me and my gf pay for everything else. her mom makes more money than me and my gf combined so it sounds like a simple task. today she tells us she needs $340 to complete the payment. what?am i missing something? did something happen while i was at school today? where the fuck did all her money go? okay so i don't have enough to make up for this lose and neither does my gf. so we're fucked…our final chance, we take out a loan. for $200 and i dump all the money i have in my account (which is a pending payment for the electric bill) to complete the payment for the rent. we go to the bank to deposit the cash so that we can write a check and more bad luck hits me. The ATM steals $120 dollars. we put in $340 and it shows up as $220. WTF! So than we go inside to talk to an employee about this and we get "sorry nothing we can do about it"… really? well that's fucking great service than! what a convenience! This is Bank of America, this is what they do to 3 poor ass people who are just trying to pay the bills. Thank you America for letting me down yet again. This fucking country full of lies and scams. I'm tired of it.In the end, we wrote the check anyway and sent it into the office at my apartment. If the check goes through, it'll put the account into the negative and you know how that works in banks. Interest up your ass!
Sweet Jesus that's some expensive electricity.
201 is a lot? Mine is 150-ish… my parents is 225ish
5 months ago my Electric Bill was $50, than 90, 120, 150, 200. It's gone up every month in huge amounts. i've had problems with this company for a long time now. They often charge huge "deposits" for no reason what so ever and it can be any random number from 10~150 just for the deposit. Also it's horrible if you ever pay late, instantly $100 for the first day late and than $20 each week after that. (even while your power is turned off!) basically they make sure that if you can't pay your bill, you will never have electricity again.
How much do you guys pay per kilowatt hour?
I had to swap banks last month; the old one was draining my funds with bank charges that weren't listed in the contract. Also helps that they were the South African branch of Barclays.
But seriously, you guys get electricity bills that high?