Small blog of different stuff

Posted by death on Sept. 23, 2012, 9:09 p.m.

Going to split this into different paragraphs as i've got a few things from different topics to say.


F*** yeah! I got a 93 on my C programming test. It's the first test in my programming course on C (or Xcode for Mac). So it was pretty easy but still. man it's surprising how all the concepts we're being taught i already know so well. GML has actually helped me understand programming way more than i thought. Still C syntax is scary… what a ridiculously strict way to code.

Human behavior:

One thing that i've noticed while posting at the GMC's religious topics, is just how dangerous human belief can be. People blindly follow things that are illogical, cannot be proven, have no evidence for and that have no possible benefit for practicing. Now modernly religion isn't as extreme as it used to be but it's brought about some of the worst events in all of the world's history.

I can't believe that people used to think that slavery was okay. It's just terrible to think about. Almost everyone thought it was okay to beat someone and force them to work to death with no pay. It's amazing a few good-hearted and smart humans were able to create a big enough movement to change the world! it's almost a miracle if you think about it. It's difficult as hell to convince somebody once the belief has settled in.

Look at Hitler, how the hell was someone able to convince a whole nation that killing all the Jews would be a good thing to do? It's horrifying what humans are capable of and it's equally horrifying just how stupid humans can get. Following blindly to their own death. that's what i see being a soldier on Hitler's side was like.

Comp project:

haven't been working on it. I got a big ass biology exam to study for. this shit is complicated as hell and cramming all this knowledge in is hard. It's too much useless information. i love learning concepts and interesting things about biology but schools try their best to bore you with memorizing how many electrons can be in the valence shell of x element. or other shit like … see? i already forgot!

It seems the human brain quickly dumps information it doesn't find useful or interesting. one reason why i hate the education system. learn a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with your major and that won't be useful to you or interesting for you.

anyway after the test on Tuesday i'll get back to the project. Should start working on more rooms i guess. the map system is going to be a pain with that side-scrolling style i have going.


JuurianChi 12 years, 3 months ago

has a world-domination plot ever worked?
Not any deliberate ones, if you look around you'll find a few successful attempts.

Quite nothing silly like the Illuminati, though.

pounce4evur 12 years, 3 months ago

Can you predict the future? I sure as hell can't. All I'm saying is, during that time, Germany was a world power. They thought that they were doing the right thing, because they were damn near unstoppable.

has a world-domination plot ever worked?
It's almost succeeded many times, especially in the times of ancient civilization, but I suppose that doesn't count because they weren't aware of the world in its entirety. Hitler came pretty close to taking over the world. And to be fair, it hasn't worked because not a lot of people try it. According to Disney movies, I guess it never will, but history proves otherwise.

death 12 years, 3 months ago

well Hitler himself must not have been to convinced of Germany's power, after all he did kill himself. It's not like he fought to the end and believed "we're gonna do this!" he was slightly less insane than that, he was like "well this plan backfired… fuck it than."

Rez 12 years, 3 months ago

Hitler != the brainwashed masses.

His people thought they were gonna win for sure.

death 12 years, 3 months ago

lol that's actually even more funny than. So they were convinced by a guy who didn't put in as much effort as they did?

JuurianChi 12 years, 3 months ago

According to Disney movies, I guess it never will, but history proves otherwise.
Never mind that they where marketing to children. those films are total propaganda wrapped in bright florescent colors and celebrity voices.

And the overly catchy music, damn them.

Rez 12 years, 3 months ago


lol that's actually even more funny than. So they were convinced by a guy who didn't put in as much effort as they did?

It's more like they didn't have all the facts and Hitler did. He distorted them to get more followers. Kinda like how religion was use to justify slavery; there was probably a few smart guys that knew it was wrong and just really liked having slaves, so they convinced everyone else it was just peachy.

JuurianChi 12 years, 3 months ago

That's kinda how things work now a days.

Fox News, Good old fashioned Religion, Music, and literature that get's on the best seller list due to every library in the country buying six copies.

pounce4evur 12 years, 3 months ago

well Hitler himself must not have been to convinced of Germany's power, after all he did kill himself. It's not like he fought to the end and believed "we're gonna do this!" he was slightly less insane than that, he was like "well this plan backfired… fuck it than."
That was way after Germany began to lose, because America stepped in. Seriously, you really need to read up on these things before you blog about them this way, and understand that no one can predict the future.

He did fight to the end. Do you know how many different plans there were to assassinate him? He continued to give orders from his secret bunker in a forest either in Austria or Germany, can't remember which. After Germany lost, he knew that he was going to be killed, but he was too proud to allow them to. So, he killed himself.

lol that's actually even more funny than. So they were convinced by a guy who didn't put in as much effort as they did?
I will argue with you all day on this because really you couldn't be more wrong, and I wont allow you to believe that Hitler was lazy or inadequate in his conquest for power. He convinced an ENTIRE NATION to go to war when they really didn't have the need to, other than for world domination. He then proceeded to conquer every fucking country in his path, almost taking out Russia because they had internal problems to begin with. When he accidentally pissed off America, we stepped in to end the war. Even then, he was fighting with everything he had, while still running a country well enough for the Germans to continue to believe that they would win. For a good while, everyone believed that Germany could not be stopped, because they were winning. Hitler was probably one of the greatest speakers, and military coordinators, of all time, but no one will admit it because he was also committing insane amounts of Genocide. I'll say it again: people can't see the future. Hitler's suicide was rational, and came at a time that he knew it was over. He didn't give up on Germany. He lost the war, then killed himself so that no one else could.

ludamad 12 years, 3 months ago

" Still C syntax is scary… what a ridiculously strict way to code."

C syntax is great! It takes some adjusting to, but you can write beautiful code with it.

What makes you think it's 'ridiculously strict' ? It's simply realistic. You are programming with concepts a computer understands with C - nothing less, nothing more. To make your life easier, you program convenient functions. How easy it is to use a certain language is almost entirely up to the programmer.

Thing is, high-level languages can make it nice to manipulate strings, arrays … but what about things of your invention ? Once you get to the point where you are manipulating units on a game world with pathfinding and various behaviours, it is entirely up to you to make your life easier. At that point the actual language used becomes less relevant. Just my 2cents.