Small blog of different stuff

Posted by death on Sept. 23, 2012, 9:09 p.m.

Going to split this into different paragraphs as i've got a few things from different topics to say.


F*** yeah! I got a 93 on my C programming test. It's the first test in my programming course on C (or Xcode for Mac). So it was pretty easy but still. man it's surprising how all the concepts we're being taught i already know so well. GML has actually helped me understand programming way more than i thought. Still C syntax is scary… what a ridiculously strict way to code.

Human behavior:

One thing that i've noticed while posting at the GMC's religious topics, is just how dangerous human belief can be. People blindly follow things that are illogical, cannot be proven, have no evidence for and that have no possible benefit for practicing. Now modernly religion isn't as extreme as it used to be but it's brought about some of the worst events in all of the world's history.

I can't believe that people used to think that slavery was okay. It's just terrible to think about. Almost everyone thought it was okay to beat someone and force them to work to death with no pay. It's amazing a few good-hearted and smart humans were able to create a big enough movement to change the world! it's almost a miracle if you think about it. It's difficult as hell to convince somebody once the belief has settled in.

Look at Hitler, how the hell was someone able to convince a whole nation that killing all the Jews would be a good thing to do? It's horrifying what humans are capable of and it's equally horrifying just how stupid humans can get. Following blindly to their own death. that's what i see being a soldier on Hitler's side was like.

Comp project:

haven't been working on it. I got a big ass biology exam to study for. this shit is complicated as hell and cramming all this knowledge in is hard. It's too much useless information. i love learning concepts and interesting things about biology but schools try their best to bore you with memorizing how many electrons can be in the valence shell of x element. or other shit like … see? i already forgot!

It seems the human brain quickly dumps information it doesn't find useful or interesting. one reason why i hate the education system. learn a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with your major and that won't be useful to you or interesting for you.

anyway after the test on Tuesday i'll get back to the project. Should start working on more rooms i guess. the map system is going to be a pain with that side-scrolling style i have going.


death 12 years, 3 months ago

i mean C syntax is incredibly cryptic. %i ? &varname ? it is weird as hell.

@pounce: i wasn't exactly blogging about history, more about human behavior (i thought i made that much clear) also you don't need to argue with me, i wasn't making a statement, i was ASKING A QUESTION. all you have to do is answer those, it's pretty easy. Further more, i'm pretty damn certain the Russians made the most influential move in the war. here's a nice article that should help debunk these "Hitler was a superhuman force of domination" claims.

JuurianChi 12 years, 3 months ago

I was right with that article until they made that ridiculous comparison with Stephen King's Christine.

death 12 years, 3 months ago

lol they're always trying to be funny for the most part, making examples that are a bit unusual, some of their articles are really funny though and interesting.

ludamad 12 years, 3 months ago

C syntax is cryptic in some ways, but those aren't it. Do you think &varname is a bad way to get the address of a variable ? Would you prefer 'ref varname' or something ? Mind you pointers are damn everywhere in the language. And what does "%i" mean ? Maybe you mean *i, but again it only makes sense that referencing/dereferencing be made one character.

Don't be so hard on the unfamiliar, somethings make more sense in the long run using a language.

death 12 years, 3 months ago

well in general, since i'm new to this, i mean it's very cryptic to understand and learn at first. i'm sure once it really sticks in my head it'll become easier to use but right now… it's a bit of a pain. also %i seems to be used to display an integer and %lf to display a double (or real number)

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago


i mean C syntax is incredibly cryptic. %i ? &varname ? it is weird as hell.

What the fuck are you on about? % for the modulus operator is the same in almost every other language.

&varname? Well it gets the address of varname, obviously. Just as *varname deferences it. How is that any more cryptic than using * for multiplication or ~ for bit-twiddling or || for logical or?

C/C syntax is completely not confusing at all. There's no implicit bullshit going on behind your back like in some other, more abstracted languages. And integer is simply an integer, not like an Integer in Java which is multiple layers deep in inheritance since it's lava.lang.Object <– java.lang.Number <– java.lang.Integer

Now if your code looks like…. ~*(&a++) & 0xF | &a ^ a then I could understand, but that almost never happnes in real code. Although that should be valid code. That code is a result of bad programming, not the language.

Edit: you were talking about % used for formatting. This is the same as python iirc. This has nothing to do with C syntax itself, just how printf interprets arguments.

If you think this is bad, check out C++. It adds a shitload of other things in there. Do you know how many uses the & symbol has in C++? There's & for bitwise and, & for referencing, && for logical and, & for reference declaration, && for move semantics….

And then there's "static"….

C is literally one of the most simple languages in widespread use today.

Xcode for Mac

Should've made you do it all through a CLI editor like vim like real C.

TDOT 12 years, 3 months ago

At least C++ is can be OOP. Makes it easier on those of us with an OOP background :p

ludamad 12 years, 3 months ago

TDOT: C++ is a kitchen sink of features on top of C : P It's a very nice language if you're careful - but it's easy to get lost in its many syntax corners and features.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Quote: luda
C++ is a kitchen sink of features on top of C : P It's a very nice language if you're careful - but it's easy to get lost in its many syntax corners and features.

Reminds me of this:

"C gives you enough rope to hang yourself. C++ gives you enough rope to tie up everybody in your neighborhood, rig a small ship, and still have enough left over to hang yourself from the yardarm."

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not bashing C++ at all. I like the language, but it is not a friendly language.

death 12 years, 3 months ago

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not bashing C++ at all. I like the language, but it is not a friendly language.
you really do confuse me. your previous post was almost fully defending that it's not cryptic at all and is very clean and easy. now you're comparing it to suicide?