Minecraft map continued

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 27, 2011, 2:04 p.m.

Edit Discussion will be continued on Stevenup7002's blog

So we will not be restarting the minecraft map.

Rather, we sort of decided that once the bukkit mod is created, we'll split the map into two with a giant wall, and set spawn on one side, and a warp on the other.

On on side will be the creationists - which will inhabit the current area of the map. The current spawn will be replaced with a warp.

For those who want to RP (the survivalists), without /item, /tp, etc, the actual spawn will be on the other side of the wall.

So when you spawn into the server, you will be in the RP world. You can /warp to the creation side. The spawn will be thousands of blocks from the original spawn, so you can't jsut go into the creation side, /item things, and then walk back. You also cannot tp back to the rp side (/sethome and /setwarp will be disabled in teh RP zone), so the only way back to the survivalist side is to die.

So it's still one server, but with two sides, and there will be restricitons applied to the survivalist side.


I also want to make a page (or have stevenup or kabob make a page. =P) with:

- a list of players, their citizenship (if they're playing creation/survival - I think I'll be switching between the two worlds) and their job.

- Maybe the live minecraft map like before.

- A player-drawn map, which sort of explains the rough layout of where each point of interest is in relation to spawn, etc.

- A description of points of interest, who created the point, etc.

- Maybe a lot of what's been going on?

If we could link each whitelist entry to a user in the 64D user database, they could visit 64digits.com/minecraft, and login like they normally would to 64D, and post things in the log, add on to the map, write up about a point of interest, etc. I don't think anyone will ever want to be the one in charge of keeping track of the log and points of interest.


The craftbook mod does not work with the current minecraft/hey0, and it seems to cause lag anyway. Perhaps when bukkit is released, we can bring back craftbook, and possibly bring in a currency mod or something, for the survivalists. But that won't be until bukkit is released, and if things cause lag, then I'm going to disable the mods. I can't afford to keep upgrading the server, just to accomidate mods. =P


JID 14 years ago

I think Minecraft has gotten pretty lonely the past few weeks.

Everyone that helped me build Epicity no longer get on, and I don't know where the hell everyone else is….

At most I only see 1 person once a week. :\

KaBob799 14 years ago

Well the problem is the survalists don't want to be near the creators, the only way to keep them from complaining about what we do is to seperate our areas. Theres no reason we couldn't co-exist, but survalists keep getting annoyed.

We can't just force everyone to play a certain way in a tiny little area, that wouldn't be fun and it wouldn't be minecraft imo. This isn't too much more split than it already was if you consider how far apart our cities were, its just now you can't take items across the split.


That shouldn't be an issue after the split is complete (with the wall and bukkit) because then we could give everyone on creative the ability to /tp to other people in creative, while in survival you should be more smooshed together so you will see people without needing to walk far.

firestormx 14 years ago

The wall wouldn't really divide players, but rather divide inventories.

A player can /warp out of the RP area with their items (into the world where people /item), but they can't tp back into the survival area - they have to die. It's purely a way of controling inventory.

Xemic brought up a good point in-game though, about how it would be good if we could find a mod that switches your inventory if you cross a certain boundary. That would be best.

Especially since I love /tp and /home.

Castypher 14 years ago

Do not understand, which is why I disconnected from the 64D server so quickly. Xemic was talking gibberish.

firestormx 14 years ago

*grins* just ignore the convo, and go about your diggin, kilin.

colseed 14 years ago

Dangit JID, I started following the signs to your caves/Epicity today only to get lost, fall off a cliff, wander around an empty walled-city-castle-place, get lost again in a cave system, then randomly find the spawn area.

And I still don't know where your caves are. : (

@Kilin - lol, this is why I just hermitted myself into a cliff face. :D

Castypher 14 years ago

There's nowhere to dig, rofl. Everywhere looks nice and shiny and I don't want to destroy things.

Also, I don't know who half the people on the server are. They're not all from 64D, apparently.

colseed 14 years ago

There's a little area to the east of the spawn that's relatively not-built-in, did you try there?

Though really you could just wander out in any direction that looks uninhabited and there's probably an OK spot around.

firestormx 14 years ago

Dangit JID, I started following the signs to your caves/Epicity today only to get lost, fall off a cliff, wander around an empty walled-city-castle-place, get lost again in a cave system, then randomly find the spawn area.

And I still don't know where your caves are. : (

I'm not going to say anything racist about directions, because I can't think of anything. :(

Kilin: the vast majority of them are. Just under different names. Just ask them who they are on 64D

If you head east out of spawn, kilin (you can get back to spawn by typing /spawn), you can start digging in those mountains. Though, you'll probably come across my caves and kam's caves.

I just tell newbies to start digging wherever they feel like it, and if they hit someone else's tunnel, patch up the hole, and go in another direction.

As you get more familiar with the server, you might want to move your home, but for the time being, just get yourself a home and a tunnel built.

JID 14 years ago

Hahahaha. It was a tarp!

But furreals, just follow the torches. They will lead you there.



I'm not going to say anything racist about directions, because I can't think of anything. :(

Heh. I am so glad that I'm not Asian.