Minecraft map continued

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 27, 2011, 2:04 p.m.

Edit Discussion will be continued on Stevenup7002's blog

So we will not be restarting the minecraft map.

Rather, we sort of decided that once the bukkit mod is created, we'll split the map into two with a giant wall, and set spawn on one side, and a warp on the other.

On on side will be the creationists - which will inhabit the current area of the map. The current spawn will be replaced with a warp.

For those who want to RP (the survivalists), without /item, /tp, etc, the actual spawn will be on the other side of the wall.

So when you spawn into the server, you will be in the RP world. You can /warp to the creation side. The spawn will be thousands of blocks from the original spawn, so you can't jsut go into the creation side, /item things, and then walk back. You also cannot tp back to the rp side (/sethome and /setwarp will be disabled in teh RP zone), so the only way back to the survivalist side is to die.

So it's still one server, but with two sides, and there will be restricitons applied to the survivalist side.


I also want to make a page (or have stevenup or kabob make a page. =P) with:

- a list of players, their citizenship (if they're playing creation/survival - I think I'll be switching between the two worlds) and their job.

- Maybe the live minecraft map like before.

- A player-drawn map, which sort of explains the rough layout of where each point of interest is in relation to spawn, etc.

- A description of points of interest, who created the point, etc.

- Maybe a lot of what's been going on?

If we could link each whitelist entry to a user in the 64D user database, they could visit 64digits.com/minecraft, and login like they normally would to 64D, and post things in the log, add on to the map, write up about a point of interest, etc. I don't think anyone will ever want to be the one in charge of keeping track of the log and points of interest.


The craftbook mod does not work with the current minecraft/hey0, and it seems to cause lag anyway. Perhaps when bukkit is released, we can bring back craftbook, and possibly bring in a currency mod or something, for the survivalists. But that won't be until bukkit is released, and if things cause lag, then I'm going to disable the mods. I can't afford to keep upgrading the server, just to accomidate mods. =P


Castypher 14 years ago

Who is this boxboy guy who asked who I was? Not sure if he was from 64Digits and just missed my awe-inspiring radiance.

And if you're looking at resetting the map in the near future, like you've been talking about, I might pass until then.

colseed 14 years ago

lol, I see you met Boxboy as well

I didn't know who he was either. : /


I…I guess I'll try looking again later maybe…

Getting lost like that was rather disconcerting AND DANGIT WUT YOU BE SAYIN BOUT ASIANS lolrage :D

firestormx 14 years ago

Kilin: We're not resetting it, just, sort of, making a new area. Your home will not be lost, or become depreciated, unless you yourself choose to move somewhere else…Which happens. People pick up their items and move to a new place, and leave their old caves behind.

Kamira 14 years ago

Maybe old spawn could be the RP area, and a specific unexplored section off to the side (not east) could be set for true RP-ing, while the rest being basically what we've been doing.

firestormx 14 years ago

In other words, you want a new area for creationists too?

Castypher 14 years ago

If everyone's getting on at a certain time, I'll join the server again. But if there are tons of people I don't know, it's not quite as fun. If I screw up, I'd honestly rather be yelled at by someone on 64D.

Until then, I'm cornered by these goddamn zombies.

KaBob799 14 years ago

I can show you a good empty place to build if thats what you're worried about.

firestormx 14 years ago

I'll be on in a few hours. Kabob, Xemic, Kamira, and Stevenup should be able to get you started.

As long as you don't set stevenup's roof on fire, odds are no one will even notice you broke something, unless it's their actual house. People rarely go back in their tunnels, unless they're they use the tunnel for transportation.

Castypher 14 years ago

Few hours? I'll be on at some point then.

Oh. My biggest issue is getting out of deep caverns. I usually manually build stairs by hacking away at the walls. Any faster ways? Because zombies tend to fall down the holes and blow up on me. And that really sucks.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Typing /spawn will warp you to the spawn point, just use that if you get lost in a cave =p Of course, that wont apply to the survival section when it is created.