So, I'm in need of money (not as much as hel, if you somehow missed his homeless blog). Once hel gets more stable, I'm going to put a donation system in (until then, please divert any funds you would normally donate to 64D, to hel). Until then, I was thinking of putting up some ads.
I'd prefer to put up something user based, where you pay me to advertise something of yours, but how many of you are making enough money off of something, to want to pay me to advertise it?I've looked at a few ad companies in the past, and google ads just seems the easiest, flat out.Now, we had google ads a few years ago, and we got kicked out of the program pretty quickly, because apparently people were clicking the ads too much. So…Don't do that again, okay?I was thinking of putting the ads at the bottom of the page, OR at the top of the page, to the right of the logo. I don't know. T_TAnyway, weigh in. What do you think. Are you offended. where should I put the ad? Should I shove it up my rear end?
I use adblock plus, but I'd enable ads for 64D (assuming it can do that).
Oh yeah, I'll have to remember to disabled adblock when I go to put the ads in. Otherwise I'll have one of my programmer fits, and slam my keyboard through my wall after a couple hours of trying to figure out why the ads don't show up
Cyrus: I'm going to require you to use adblock plus, so that you don't do that.I'd click dat.
Have you checked out Project Wonderful? I tried to signup for their ad program thingy for one of my sites, but it was denied due to the lack of activity - a problem that 64D shouldn't have.
My sites have been using projectwonderful for years
AIDS on 64D? It's more likely than you think.
Aidsblock Plus prevents these sorts of tragedies.
Serious answer: as long as the ads aren't intrusive or noisy, I see no problem with it.Project Wonderful is so sexy. It's probably what we should use. for srs.
Great idea if you need money. I'll click some ad's!
After I disable adblock.I think everyone has that… haha.