64dc my games options?

Posted by fromsoysauce on April 22, 2014, 11:15 a.m.

You only get to see the OP menu when you boot up the game, so that you can decide how you want to experience it, also for those of you with less powerful computers, you can have all the pretty effects taken off to increase performance. (I've also done my best to optimize the game otherwise)

Wondering about that language option? Well it's real, there is an actual Japanese translation ready, because this game does not have much text

Hey it works!


Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

Oh, well go and make one that supports modding. Then you'll see the problem.

Iasper 10 years, 10 months ago

And what does that have to do with it INH?

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

I don't care if your game can run a million FPS, if the gameplay isn't interesting and engaging enough.

This is a puzzle platformer, It's got rotating, moving, and transforming platforms like Mario, a bunch of items that have specific kinds of objects that they can interact with like Zelda and Animal Crossing, swimming segments that don't suck, 8 kinds of enemies, and Metroid power ups that are used for even more puzzles.

death 10 years, 10 months ago

I don't care if your game can run a million FPS, if the gameplay isn't interesting and engaging enough.
who said anything about the game no being interesting or engaging? And what does building an optimized engine have to say about the quality of the game play anyway? Think about this, if players can't maintain an acceptable FPS, do you think they will enjoy the game regardless of it's design? I think not.

Well it certainly sounds like you got a lot going for it and i'm glad, it sounds interesting.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

What "the game " are you talking about? I was saying that this statement is true for any run of the mill game. For example, If you have a game with absolutely nothing in it, you could run the game at a bazillion FPS at a steady rate. But it wouldn't mean anything.

I dissagree with you though. But I'm assuming that when you say "acceptable FPS" you mean 60. I first disagree, I feel like anything over 37 looks fine. Second off, I don't think that it will matter much if they can maintain the 45 or the 30, the game features delta-time so the pace remains consistent.

Castypher 10 years, 10 months ago

60 is the standard for game framerate, because anything over 60 is pretty much impossible for a human to discern. I know a few people who use different numbers as their framerate cap, including 50, 30, and now your 45, and aside from hitting the OCD a bit, it really does nothing different except give the impression that the game is running normally at a lower framerate. This is good for lower-end computers, but you will lose that smoothness factor just a bit on computers that can handle it.

While not quite on topic, I wanted to touch on your mention of delta time. Delta time is a wise choice, but in GM (pre-Studio, I haven't used Studio enough to judge it), the standard implementation (tracking the system time and the last time it was recorded) can give you some really poor handling in the event that your framerate drops low. If you've ever played Minecraft and gotten those FPS drops when it's loading resources, you'll know exactly how delta time is implemented in GM, and how bad it can get. At that point it's really a tossup over whether it's better to render every frame or throw players into obstacles and through walls with a manually implemented frame skip.

Out of curiosity, how many people are you working with on this game? If what you say is true and this is really made in Game Maker, it's one of the better looking GM games I've seen, and I really wonder what you could do in Unity, which is a little more optimized for 3D and easier to develop 3D games in.

Taizen Chisou 10 years, 10 months ago

I know a few people who use different numbers as their framerate cap, including 50


Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

I keep all my games running at 9 FPS.

Also, your game looks good, fromsoysauce. I think that frame rates aren't as important as a fun game. So, while it looks good, I'm expecting even more from the gameplay since you have me so hyped up with the graphics! :D

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

@ Kilin, My older brother designed the weapons and helped with the game's story. My little brother tests the game out to help me iron out any gameplay annoyances. His biggest feat, IMO was helping me to come up with a good mapping for the controls to be most intuitive. There is also 2 voice talents that contributed to this, one foe the protagonist (played by Neiowna) and the other the antagonist (Played by Dr. Wolf001). Apart from that though, everything was just me spending nights and, on occasions, skipping college classes, to stay on scheduled.

As for DT, I have it set so that DT doesn't function during loading so that it doesn't warp the movement. As you've said, GM style DT can get wonky when the FPS spikes down suddenly. My system is that when something loads, the game will pretend that it is running at 45 (or 30) FPS for the next 20 frames, and then DT kicks in. Things only load between maps though.

Yes, I joined this after Yal made a topic about it over at GMC, only after seeing the grand prize was the item that I've hat my eyes on for quite some time.

@ Acid, sounds like good'ol Game and Watch, where was a pretty awesome and addicting set of games IMO.

Really the only thing left for me to do is design the levels, at this point. Hope that I can keep the game at a well enough pace to have a functioning learning curve.

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

I use the default GM framerate for all of my games. So, mine all go at 20 FPS and look just fine.

EDIT: then again, a turn based rpg probably doesn't need more than 20. it would be a waste!