And this time, they're real.
Here are the spoilers wrapped up for you in a neat little package(Spoilers are at the top, so you've been warned!):, this is just to A: warn people that plan to read the book to disconnect their internet and sow their ears shut and B: to give the people that want to spoil it fuel.Mwahaha!All of my life since elementary school I've been compared to Harry Potter. Oh, I look like him. Next time someone says that to me, they get a spoiler. And, there will be much weeping and the gnashing of teeth.In other news, HAI ITS KAFEI. Yeah, I've been living. I've been out and in. I've been closing pools because of AIDS, but now I stopped. Yeah.By the way, I'm going to stop making terrible games. Why? Jesus. Any questions? Good. Anywho, minor update in the whatchamacallit called Kafei. *Edit*Obligatory Lloyd Owns fayt link:
Yeah, but in the actual picture (1) the chapter is called Nineteen Years Later and (2) the book ends on page 739.
One of them is incorrect (either the description of chapters or the end). In the ending, it shows Harry married to Ginny, and Ron married to Hermione.
XD I love Harry Potter mania for all the funny debates everyone has. XD
It's fake, just finished reading the book, some are right but others are not.
Coincidentally, our pre-informed friend never updated his webpage. Hmm. ;)
I laughed when greorge lost an ear. XD