Still working on this damned game for whoever cares.
Dev blog post: Screenshots:

Source is located at Anyone welcome to contribute to development!Recent Download (as of 2 days ago): changes:
Fighter with berserk spell
Hardcore mode = no respawn
Class select screen
Controls are yuiop for spells on the action bar (once to select, will use if already selected), h to melee, j/space to use selected action. WASD to move.
Stop on stairs to use them. Stop on items to pick them up.
You may also manually target your attacks with left mouse, and scroll through them with mouse wheel.
LAN play can be set up with one person choosing Server on the menu, another choosing Client. The Client must set up the server's ip in res/settings.yaml
Are you programming this in C?
That is a real challenge, haha…. I couldn't stand programming without my classes. :(Edit: WOW, game is insanely better then the old version I played! Kudos! It looks like it's coming along quite well! :DC++. Classes are a tool. You can use a good amount of the same techniques in C without too much work. Though it does go a bit against the grain of C.
I do use OOP to represent the game objects. Here still there would be an easy way to achieve what I do with C. While I have a GameInst object, then PlayerInst, EnemyInst, etc, it would be easy in C to have a bunch of different structs with a common base (GameInst data), and different callbacks for each struct. Otherwise yes I use classes often, but more as collections of data + operations on this data rather than anything overly OOP-tastic.Now add non-LAN connection to go online so people can play this at Teamspeak nights :)
To clarify, online works, there's nothing specific to LAN about the code at all. It just might be too slow for general consumption atm.
Real-time mutliplayer rogue>:)Your point ? Multiplayer works
Multiplayer has problems. Lags very much by the way. :(
But it works. Haha.Doh. Go into res/settings.yaml. Have both players set network_debug_mode: no.
I need to remember never to have that on when set for releases.That will only be a laaarge improvement to latency, but it will probably still not be completely bearable. Another 2x improvement can be eeked out by halving the frame rate (something I'll allow for next release).Very nice job on this ludamad. I'm a bit disorientated by the realtime aspect though. I'll the multiplayer out when I get somebody around again for a LAN game.