Help with PLatformed?

Posted by ludamad on May 13, 2015, 1 a.m.

I hear the second one feels like a much more complete game, but I still want to get through the first so I'm not lost plotwise. I'm stuck on Cryos, the first of the three Argonian spies you meet in the cave. He's not much of a leader or an offensive person, but he traps your crew and attacks with puppets, though he only ever reacts to attacks. But he's friggin' broken I swear. I hear he's important in the plot in PLatformed 2 and a lot funner to fight there.

Here is my build on Spike (character level 5), I really could use input on the minimaxing:

Health: lvl 20

Speed: lvl 5

Int: lvl 30 (obviously)

Char: lvl 0 (also obviously)

Reflex: lvl 6

Cheriten bonuses all maxed

Smithery tied in with axes

Armour: Kenorb

Shield: Floating Wood (not the best, but allows 2 handed)

Weapon: Staff of Empty Promise, 2 handed

Thoughts guys? Is the Dephos fight any funner?


Castypher 9 years, 10 months ago

Sorry man, I haven't played PLatformed recently, I've been pretty busy playing Depths.

ludamad 9 years, 10 months ago

Oh yeah Depths I know what you mean, it's like you keep playing, and the game's never finished.

OBELISK 9 years, 10 months ago

I'm too high for this

Snakeman 9 years, 10 months ago

I did a total double take when I saw that the date of this blog wasn't April 1st.

F1ak3r 9 years, 10 months ago

Too busy playing Duke Nukem Forever and using 64D v3 lately to have gotten that far in PLatformed, sorry.

Charlie Carlo 9 years, 10 months ago

If you want a good minmax build I recommend Havel's ring as a good starting point, and at some point you'll want to switch over to a chaos weapon.

Castypher 9 years, 10 months ago

Stock up on credence filters, they sell for a lot and they help nullify the nasty side effects of the chaos weapon.

One such effect being procrastination.

Alert Games 9 years, 10 months ago

I just want to level up to 64d v4, but i'm stuck on the end boss with all the foxes…

Castypher 9 years, 10 months ago

Why isn't this a game, guys

Rez 9 years, 10 months ago

Kenorb is weak to Unfinished Spells, so it likely isn't going to provide much defense against Cryos' Shattered Dreams AoE. I recommend equipping the Helm of Unseen Content and repeatedly casting Delay (the staff of empty promise gets a -2 modifier when casting Realism spells but it should work fine against Cryos). Also, be sure to backpedal when you see Cryos winding up for an attack. Pretty much going backwards is progress in this game, I'm not sure why.

Hope that helps! Let me know how you do against Box Bandits. Those guys can be rough, and they don't even feel like they belong in the game (not circles).