Help with PLatformed?

Posted by ludamad on May 13, 2015, 1 a.m.

I hear the second one feels like a much more complete game, but I still want to get through the first so I'm not lost plotwise. I'm stuck on Cryos, the first of the three Argonian spies you meet in the cave. He's not much of a leader or an offensive person, but he traps your crew and attacks with puppets, though he only ever reacts to attacks. But he's friggin' broken I swear. I hear he's important in the plot in PLatformed 2 and a lot funner to fight there.

Here is my build on Spike (character level 5), I really could use input on the minimaxing:

Health: lvl 20

Speed: lvl 5

Int: lvl 30 (obviously)

Char: lvl 0 (also obviously)

Reflex: lvl 6

Cheriten bonuses all maxed

Smithery tied in with axes

Armour: Kenorb

Shield: Floating Wood (not the best, but allows 2 handed)

Weapon: Staff of Empty Promise, 2 handed

Thoughts guys? Is the Dephos fight any funner?


ludamad 9 years, 9 months ago

This makes me want to revive 64Digits RPG, which IMO was a fad that people freaked out so much over that it caused JakeX to just destroy the related code >.<

flashback 9 years, 9 months ago

To be fair, that started going downhill what with all the massive cheating by the staff certain unnamed individuals.

ludamad 9 years, 9 months ago

Sure, but it was never forced on anyone, and we made rules to not post about it, etc, but it still ended up getting axed due to raving. I did want to balance the game, though. Really the only mistake was the heavy 64Digits integration >.< I think at first people were informed that they were killed even if they never played. Staff cheating is a feature.

Acid 9 years, 9 months ago

CAMD remade the 64D RPG a while back.

What have you been up to lately luda?

Kenon 9 years, 9 months ago

I don't even know what to say.

You got a lot of the subtle details right, holy shit.

Also if you're minimaxing properly, you're reading too much into late game, lvl 30 int is important on Spike but you don't even get any tangible benefits out of the water dancer skill until your speed and reflex are around lvl 20 each.

ludamad 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm glad you think my Spike build gets the subtle details right. I'll visit the Skill Fairy to get those rearranged, and I didn't even buy the Water Dance Lesson >.< I'll get on that.

Cesar 9 years, 9 months ago

Luda and Obel are back?

What the fuck?

ludamad 9 years, 8 months ago

Back is a relative term