[ludamad] Lanarts update

Posted by ludamad on April 7, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Unzip and play


I am stuck in a constant loop of work and not enough time to release this game properly but I may as well put the link into the void. This is years of work that doesn't see the light of day nearly enough.

"The game does not provide much instruction (the README is woefully outdated), but your begin near a dungeon you should immediately enter.

It is recommended you move with WASD, melee with H, fire spells with YUIOP, mouse controls for everything else. Mouse controls for spells are fairly suboptimal at the moment.

Additionally, 1 to 9 for inventory slots 1 through 9.

Right click is needed to drop items, however."

Controller support works for multiplayer.

Online works, but only well over LAN.

Code at https://github.com/ludamad/lanarts


Phoebii 6 years, 11 months ago

What is this, rogue-like? Are levels procedurally generated?

ludamad 6 years, 11 months ago

Yes - if you consider real-time games roguelikes - and yes

Phoebii 6 years, 11 months ago


I have a weird feeling - I think that the game is good, but it's not my thing.

But I can imagine someone being a mega fan of this game for some obscure reason like "Oh, this game does that thing with the doors!".

It does a lot of weird things, feels large-scale and has that old game charm. I have the same feeling when I tried playing Ultima Online - I could have loved it if I started playing it 10 years ago.

Good job, I hope that it will find (if I didn't yet) at least a few mega fans.

Astryl 6 years, 11 months ago

This has come along quite a long way since I first tried it forever ago. Very nice, hope you eventually find some time to complete it.

ludamad 6 years, 11 months ago

@Zuurix, Thanks for the feedback! The game is definitely not for everyone. I feel like some of the weirdness can be helped, eg the game doesn't give much in terms of animation feedback for why things are happening. It's done well at parties, but the game is no doubt quirky.

@Mega, Thanks man. It's not really a completeness thing for me. I want to promote the game so that it eventually takes off as an open source project, ideally.

OBELISK 6 years, 11 months ago

First the snakes got me, then the Ciribots

ludamad 6 years, 11 months ago

Hit me up obel boi