Music Compo!

Posted by pounce4evur on Jan. 22, 2012, 9:08 p.m.

Sorry guys, there were more for a competition than there were for a collaboration, and it seems to be the easiest thing to do. I just thought I'd throw out some ground rules and see what you all think. Again, I don't think I'll be hosting this, so anyone serious about hosting/judging/participating in any way, SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEAS.

So, the rules would be:

1. You cannot use tracks from previous works. They may be used as inspiration, but it cannot be the same song. (Meaning don't change a note in each song and submit that for the contest)

2. As you enter yourself as a participant, make sure to let us know what your preferred genre will be. You can change this at any time until you are 2 weeks into the competition (This will be a 3-week long compo, because I know a new semester just started).

3. The song can be any file type, as long as judges can listen to it and you can prove that all of the songs are yours (or even that it is your remix on a song). It is going to be this way because you can't put mp3 files into this site's file manager.

(any better ideas on this one are welcome. if everyone has access to a certain site, then that will be where the songs will be submitted)

3. You can use any and all music that you make in this competition for your V4D entry as well. (Cyrus says so.)

The theme is: ADVENTURE!



- Kamira ~ euphonium solo

- Link2x101

- JuurianChi ~ JuurianChi

- Acid ~ Urban Electronica

- MMORPGguy ~ Acoustic Punk Rock (?)

- colseed (mehbeh) ~ contemporary

- Mega

- Iasper ~ Classical Disco

- Alert Games ~ electronic/video game/synths

- sir Xemic

- Kilin ~ Orchestral & such hybrids

- blackhole ~ electronica


- anthonyloprimo ~ game

- Qwilderwibben ~ clasically electronic dubstep

- hel ~ psychadelic (if you didn't know by his avatar already)



So the dates.

January 27: Competition officially begins.

January 28 - February 16 HAVE FUN WITH THAT, make sure to keep me updated on any changes in genre or participation status

February 17 Judging begins (oh yeah, I need some judges) and fun things begin to happen. Bahaha. There, done. I'll get into detail later. Byee!



- Juju

- blackhole

- Alert Games (?)

Any people who want to be judges pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee tell me soon or I will hire band nerds to listen to your music like monkeys and they will be tired and angry from not being able to play their tuba soo


…be a judge. C: goodnight.



1. Mordi

2. Mega

3. Acid / Steve


Juju 13 years ago

Iasper, I put your song into Sibelius which has a pretty good VST. It would be unfair to penalise you too much although do be aware that choice of instrument is very important and that extends into and beyond nice samples.

Iasper 13 years ago

I actually made my song in Sibelius 3, but it's just basic midi there and I don't have any soundfonts installed, so recording it as mp3 would give the same sound as a midi.

Kamira 13 years ago

So can I submit mine today or is it too late? :/ Though I doubt I'd stand a chance.

Also it seems kinda strict to not allow multiple movements. I'm sure if Steven had known that, he'd just put an attaca at the end of each movement to create one giant piece.

MMOnologueguy 13 years ago

What Kamira said.

Mordi 13 years ago

Quote: AG's song's tags

mordi sucks :D

I see what you did there, Alert Games :3


Dammit, Mordi, quit it.
I shall quit pursuing music forever. :C

leemcd56 13 years ago

Quote: Kamira
So can I submit mine today or is it too late? :/ Though I doubt I'd stand a chance.
I was eager to hear your solo, being a low brass player myself.

MMOnologueguy 13 years ago

Here's my late entry, recorded and performed in terrible quality from even worse source material. Soundcloud isn't working for me so take some mediafire.


they say baby jesus, born inside a padded cell

he lived life for his sins

the same baby jesus who he scaled the white house wall he was

that bad a dude

here's the story of baby jesus could have smashed your mind in pieces

you pieces of shit

oh young baby jesus had a mind for nothing at all

but that shit was all about to change

sacreligious, indignant, baby jesus didn't live a lie

baby jesus, spent some time on the other side

baby jesus fucked money, he got all the bitches

or so say all his acolytes in all the scriptures

young baby jesus walked empty streets in destitution

nothing better to do

that's when baby jesus happened on a beggar

the last of the jedi knights

obi wan kenobi was something of a political junkie

had a way with words

that's where baby jesus was sermoned on the state of the world

needless to say shit was pretty fucked up

when baby jesus sermoned up upon his soap box

all the hopeless desperate people gathered around

baby jesus spoke of senators emporers and money lenders

'twasn't long before the so called righteous thought him onto something

so that's when our baby jesus

loaded with whiskey pills and carcinogens

led the biggest angriest of black blocs and angry mobs

physically the tortured and demented

flipped tables in the board rooms, server farms in indonesia

it wasn't long before old Obi Wan Kenobi had a run in with the bacon

dying old master obi wan, told our hero baby jesus

of a better world without gods or imperial masters

so in the heart of the world's most powerful empire

baby jesus, he didn't know what the fuck to do


but he did it anyway

like a fidel fucking castro with nowhere else left to go

they stormed the bastions in the deserts and in the central cities

the worst of ideas don't play out like they do in movies

oh, they'd march on 'till the end was the intention

'twas the summer of love pain and emptiness

'cause soon enough they'd be backdown out back in the gutters

they say when baby jesus died his last words were something like

"come on what the fuck"

no ascension, so the good lord would tell him 'cause he

was a false idol blasphemer

no one in the end had won, and god himself was kind of an

asshole about it

so young baby jesus, sniper aimed up on his brain stem

he didn't die no fucking martyr

sacreligious, indignant, baby jesus didn't live a lie

baby jesus, spent some time on the other side

baby jesus fucked money, he got all the bitches

or so say all his acolytes in all the scriptures

Kamira 13 years ago

You're a low brass player too? <3 I'll post a blog about it once all the movements are done and I can get a good recording so I can leave a good first impression. It'll take a while though.

blackhole 13 years ago

I'm using Juju's list plus MMORPGguy's late entry for these:

Acid's entry: Extremely plain. The percussion, espiecally, should be more prominent or perhaps more atmospheric. Unfortunately the song doesn't save itself on melody, either, simply repeating the same idea over and over and over with very little variation. One could say it would fit exploring a haunted house, but that's a bit of a stretch in terms of "adventure".

Steve's entry: The compo was for one song so I'm just taking #10 as the longest and judging that: The intro idea is nice, but you hang on to it for too long before getting to the middle section. There is some very nice chords going through here, but there is a lot of repetition, and some odd timing. Then you return to the intro and beat it to death even more. Not particularly suiting of adventure at all.

Mordi's entry: Absolutely divine. Excellent song structure, amazing production, superb melody that, while repeated, has so much dynamic variation and little additions that it never gets boring. The melody jumps from instrument to instrument, going up and octave, down, and then part way through the song a superbly executed modulation keeps things interesting. While not entirely exciting "adventure", the song does a superb job of creating a feeling of exploration.

Mega's entry: I really like the chiptunes in this. I can tell what 0:12 was supposed to be, but unfortunately you made it very awkward because the drums don't change to something more appropriate, and it doesn't seem to serve a purpose. Very minimalistic, but it only gets melodically interesting by the end of the song. You keep hitting solid intervals instead of throwing in some suspensions and passing tones. The end is nice, but then it falls off a cliff again for no reason. The song itself feels like it has a lot of potential, but never really delivers. I like the underlying idea, and it seems to do a fairly good job of attending to the theme of "adventure", but the execution was lacking.

JuurianChi's entry: It's been said before, but the compression just eats this song for breakfast. I actually like the general gist of the intro, but then you bring in some very harsh, odd sounding instruments and beat the idea to death. And then you beat it to death again. The melodies are nice, but its 3 minutes of the same thing followed by moving into what is basically a completely different song. The ambiance of this song is very nice, but sometimes has an inconsistent rhythm. You also really need to watch your levels, since each element keeps fighting for the foreground and it makes a mess of things. You manage to keep the repetition down to a fairly reasonable minimum, but it starts getting very samey once we get halfway through. At around 8:00 we have a second transition into what seems like the first song being played all over again. This is really somewhat unnecessary. If you are going to revisit an idea it needs to reach a distinct secondary climax, which this didn't really seem like it did. It's kind of painful to listen to because you have several very cool sounding ideas mashed together in an occasionally dissonant manner. I think you need to really focus on the structure of your song, both in the long term and in the short term. The whole song fits the adventure theme relatively nicely, though. But man, dat compression.

hel's entry: Very weird sound effect here but fitting for a "psychotic garden". The melody itself seems a bit weirdly atonal for my tastes. The drums seem really frantic and sometimes unnecessary. They sound nice, but are just unnecessary in the track. It flows much better sans percussion. By halfway through the melodies been beaten into the ground and really needs some variation. The atmosphere is great but the song structure is poor and the elements keep tripping over each other. It's like listening to a very pretty sounding mess.

Alert Game's entry: Wow, bass much? You have way too much limiting going on. I can hear the compressor killing various elements as you brutalize it. The melody is not particularly catchy. The intro melody was a good intro melody but without anything else to hold it up it gets repetative and boring. The flute tries to carry the entire middle of the song by going on what seems to be a randomly generated series of notes. The whole atmosphere of the song is nice, but the various instrument changes can't make up for the fact that the melody isn't catchy and I don't even know if that has a recognizable chord progression. It's very adventure sounding though, despite having almost no harmony, so props for that, I guess?

lasper's entry: Ew MIDI. The song seems extremely unorganized and random. It has a chord progression but changes tempo for no reason and doesn't carry any real feeling with it. The actual song structure seems good, but with only a piano a forgettable, unnecessarily hyper center melody it leaves much to be desired.

MMORPGguy's entry: I think you are saying things but I can't hear them? Even ignoring the bad quality recording, some of those guitar chords sound terrible, and you keep shifting tempo. It's… pretty bad. I have no idea what you were saying, so its just banging on the guitar over and over for 3 and a half minutes except for a brief respite near the middle. The chord progression needs serious help, or possibly melodic support, but you don't sound like you were actually singing at all anyway, so its just… dissonant guitar chords.

Mordi wins. My second favorite is definitely Mega's simply because its got a really nice core idea even if nothing was ever really done with it. Juurianchi that isn't a song its an entire score which was not part of the competition :|

Alert Games 13 years ago

Thanks for the review. I came up with a new catchier melody while making the song, but then i didnt want to start completely over for the comp :P

EDIT: and yeah i noticed that bass problem but was too lazy to fix it before submitting it