Music Compo!

Posted by pounce4evur on Jan. 22, 2012, 9:08 p.m.

Sorry guys, there were more for a competition than there were for a collaboration, and it seems to be the easiest thing to do. I just thought I'd throw out some ground rules and see what you all think. Again, I don't think I'll be hosting this, so anyone serious about hosting/judging/participating in any way, SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEAS.

So, the rules would be:

1. You cannot use tracks from previous works. They may be used as inspiration, but it cannot be the same song. (Meaning don't change a note in each song and submit that for the contest)

2. As you enter yourself as a participant, make sure to let us know what your preferred genre will be. You can change this at any time until you are 2 weeks into the competition (This will be a 3-week long compo, because I know a new semester just started).

3. The song can be any file type, as long as judges can listen to it and you can prove that all of the songs are yours (or even that it is your remix on a song). It is going to be this way because you can't put mp3 files into this site's file manager.

(any better ideas on this one are welcome. if everyone has access to a certain site, then that will be where the songs will be submitted)

3. You can use any and all music that you make in this competition for your V4D entry as well. (Cyrus says so.)

The theme is: ADVENTURE!



- Kamira ~ euphonium solo

- Link2x101

- JuurianChi ~ JuurianChi

- Acid ~ Urban Electronica

- MMORPGguy ~ Acoustic Punk Rock (?)

- colseed (mehbeh) ~ contemporary

- Mega

- Iasper ~ Classical Disco

- Alert Games ~ electronic/video game/synths

- sir Xemic

- Kilin ~ Orchestral & such hybrids

- blackhole ~ electronica


- anthonyloprimo ~ game

- Qwilderwibben ~ clasically electronic dubstep

- hel ~ psychadelic (if you didn't know by his avatar already)



So the dates.

January 27: Competition officially begins.

January 28 - February 16 HAVE FUN WITH THAT, make sure to keep me updated on any changes in genre or participation status

February 17 Judging begins (oh yeah, I need some judges) and fun things begin to happen. Bahaha. There, done. I'll get into detail later. Byee!



- Juju

- blackhole

- Alert Games (?)

Any people who want to be judges pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee tell me soon or I will hire band nerds to listen to your music like monkeys and they will be tired and angry from not being able to play their tuba soo


…be a judge. C: goodnight.



1. Mordi

2. Mega

3. Acid / Steve


Alert Games 13 years ago

@steven: I did listen to the multiple movements, but its similar to having completely seperate songs that are just related to each other.

I think that No. 8 9 and 10 werent very adventury IMO. They do sound good though. I like No. 11. I think just having that as your submission would be pretty good. Though i think making a game with that artstyle you did on that small demo game, along with this music would be really cool. No 13 was also decent for adventurous. I like 14 for what it is, but again i dont feel the adventure theme in it as strong as 11 and 13. 16 is cool, but has the same reason as 14.

Juurianchi's was long, and i didnt finish it cause i got bored, so i guess that can say something. Also i didnt like his transitions. but some parts were really cool. But I agree with the other reviews that the quality factor is a bit distracting. he should work on that :P

Juju 13 years ago

I don't understand why you can't grasp the elegance of a single sculpted concept, but whatever, just keep on using a shotgun where a rifle will do.

If I felt more like your preludes fitted together in some sort of overarching theme, I'd go right ahead and review the whole lot. I don't think it's unreasonable to take your work apart and choose the most coherent section. It's more in line with what's expected of you as a participant.

Although, yes, blackhole is pulling a gigantic dick move. You have a duty to review things properly. I might have written sort responses but I listened each entry (yes, even Steven's and Juurian's) at least three times.

colseed 13 years ago

That's not fair.
It's also not fair to assume the judges are going to have unlimited time for listening to music.

Which would be why it might be good to have a time limit on songs next time. Or allow entrants to define excerpted sections of songs that they definitely want to be judged (if the song does go over the time limit).

Juju 13 years ago

If a judge doesn't have sufficient time then he shouldn't volunteer to be a judge. Considering the time that went into each track, putting a couple o' hours into it on the listening side isn't too much to ask.

JuurianChi 13 years ago

I'll make something shorter next time.

(The low quality may have even occurred because of the length, I just derped twice over.)

blackhole 13 years ago

I didn't volunteer, you asshole, I was told "YOU ARE A JUDGE" and was like "uh, ok". I wasn't aware this was a super important competition, because it sure seemed to me like a bunch of guys throwing some songs together for fun, so why the fuck would I object to it? I'm sorry I'm not fucking psychic and didn't predict juurianchi making an enormous crazy long song and I have work to do. But hey you know what, my whole fucking linux installation was just rendered unbootable and I nearly melted my motherboard while trying to debug it and have spent the entire day doing homework, out of which I spent some time judging those songs. I was going to do more homework but hey my linux distro is totally fucked so I'll probably have to reinstall it so now I have plenty of time to review his fucking song:

JuurianChi's entry: It's been said before, but the compression just eats this song for breakfast. I actually like the general gist of the intro, but then you bring in some very harsh, odd sounding instruments and beat the idea to death. And then you beat it to death again. The melodies are nice, but its 3 minutes of the same thing followed by moving into what is basically a completely different song. The ambiance of this song is very nice, but sometimes has an inconsistent rhythm. You also really need to watch your levels, since each element keeps fighting for the foreground and it makes a mess of things. You manage to keep the repetition down to a fairly reasonable minimum, but it starts getting very samey once we get halfway through. At around 8:00 we have a second transition into what seems like the first song being played all over again. This is really somewhat unnecessary. If you are going to revisit an idea it needs to reach a distinct secondary climax, which this didn't really seem like it did. It's kind of painful to listen to because you have several very cool sounding ideas mashed together in an occasionally dissonant manner. I think you need to really focus on the structure of your song, both in the long term and in the short term. The whole song fits the adventure theme relatively nicely, though. But man, dat compression.

I didn't object to judging because I thought I was doing you guys a favor and I didn't KNOW that someone was going to post a GIANT FUCKING SONG because I'M NOT FUCKING PSYCHIC. Obviously this was a mistake, so I'll be sure never to participate in any competition ever again because every time I do someone finds a way to tell me why I'm a dick.

Alert Games 13 years ago


Rez 13 years ago

Blackhole is NOT FUCKING PSYCHIC, youguys.

Castypher 13 years ago

I was going to judge, but it looks like a winner's already been decided (and lolcompetitiondrama).

And I was going to write a song, but then I took a

JuurianChi 13 years ago

Blackhole is FUCKING youguys, NOT PSYCHIC.