Music Compo!

Posted by pounce4evur on Jan. 22, 2012, 9:08 p.m.

Sorry guys, there were more for a competition than there were for a collaboration, and it seems to be the easiest thing to do. I just thought I'd throw out some ground rules and see what you all think. Again, I don't think I'll be hosting this, so anyone serious about hosting/judging/participating in any way, SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEAS.

So, the rules would be:

1. You cannot use tracks from previous works. They may be used as inspiration, but it cannot be the same song. (Meaning don't change a note in each song and submit that for the contest)

2. As you enter yourself as a participant, make sure to let us know what your preferred genre will be. You can change this at any time until you are 2 weeks into the competition (This will be a 3-week long compo, because I know a new semester just started).

3. The song can be any file type, as long as judges can listen to it and you can prove that all of the songs are yours (or even that it is your remix on a song). It is going to be this way because you can't put mp3 files into this site's file manager.

(any better ideas on this one are welcome. if everyone has access to a certain site, then that will be where the songs will be submitted)

3. You can use any and all music that you make in this competition for your V4D entry as well. (Cyrus says so.)

The theme is: ADVENTURE!



- Kamira ~ euphonium solo

- Link2x101

- JuurianChi ~ JuurianChi

- Acid ~ Urban Electronica

- MMORPGguy ~ Acoustic Punk Rock (?)

- colseed (mehbeh) ~ contemporary

- Mega

- Iasper ~ Classical Disco

- Alert Games ~ electronic/video game/synths

- sir Xemic

- Kilin ~ Orchestral & such hybrids

- blackhole ~ electronica


- anthonyloprimo ~ game

- Qwilderwibben ~ clasically electronic dubstep

- hel ~ psychadelic (if you didn't know by his avatar already)



So the dates.

January 27: Competition officially begins.

January 28 - February 16 HAVE FUN WITH THAT, make sure to keep me updated on any changes in genre or participation status

February 17 Judging begins (oh yeah, I need some judges) and fun things begin to happen. Bahaha. There, done. I'll get into detail later. Byee!



- Juju

- blackhole

- Alert Games (?)

Any people who want to be judges pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee tell me soon or I will hire band nerds to listen to your music like monkeys and they will be tired and angry from not being able to play their tuba soo


…be a judge. C: goodnight.



1. Mordi

2. Mega

3. Acid / Steve


Iasper 13 years ago

I thought there'd be one winner for every genre but I guess I'm wrong.

Quietus 13 years ago

well it is kinda hard to argue with Mordi's ability to make a complete piece, songs like Alert's and mine were more background vg music. but we have so much variety with Steve's piano, Mega's chiptunes, and possibly euphonium that it's hard to really rank them. we should be proud of the wide variety we present.

and yeah you make a really good point blackhole, if i had known there'd be so many entries i'd have stopped mine at 3 minutes, or just cut to the tabla section.

pounce4evur 13 years ago

I leave a blog alone for a day and you all start to kill each other. Jesus.

First of all, I told blackhole that he was a judge. Didn't even ask, just said "YOU ARE A JUDGE." Then I told him to take over the comp when things with reidd were going bad, because I thought I was leaving. Then I decided to stay and took the reins again. I assumed blackhole would still be judging…? Idk, skimmed through the comments on two hours of sleep so I'll come back and fix this later.

This is more an experiment to see how this kind of competition could be done. I apologize for not being here to run things along, but I'll start that back up tomorrow so we can end the competition drama going on here. BUT, all you people who submitted your opinions on the music, should I consider that judging? I really don't know.

pounce4evur 13 years ago

Sounds about right. :P

JuurianChi 13 years ago

Lol, Stevenup.

You sass.

blackhole 13 years ago

I leave a blog alone for a day and you all start to kill each other. Jesus.

Isn't this pretty normal for 64digits? <_<

pounce4evur 13 years ago

I think I'm just going to listen to the songs and see if you guys are being too harsh or not, but I'm going to call those comments actual judging. I'll do things better next time, but for now it seems about right.

pounce4evur 13 years ago

MMORPGguy it's not too late!

pounce4evur 13 years ago

Acid: I love the song itself, but I spent the whole song just waiting for it to get awesome and it never did. The thing about songs is that they usually reach a high point in the middle, like a movie or a book would. You have to have the hero go on a journey. Had you done that, I'm sure that this would have been one of my favorites.

Stevenup: I'm not gonna lie, I've been listening to these things on soundcloud since you put them up because I'm a sucker for classical piano music. I'm utterly amazed that you took the time to compose this many songs, and that they turned out to be so beautiful. But, I have to agree with Juju. I'm going to say this is my fault though, because I remember saying somewhere that we were to make an album, but never really went into detail with that.

Mordi: That was pretty awesome. Told a story, was pleasing to listen to, stuck to one style, all that jazz. You even threw in dynamics. Pretty cool, man.

Mega: Oh man this one is fun!! I love that you attempted at a ritardando at 0:13, but it was a little awkward. Aw fuck, that totally would've been my top pick had you made it longer. You can't just end it, you have to finish it! Alright, this is still one of my favorites, I was dancing around the room to that one lol.

Juurian: (I'm listening to the cut version. If you want for me to listen to the full one, I will) I absolutely loved the beginning. It reminds me of like, the bad guy crawling out of the mist or something. I just wish you had played with that more instead of continue to use those same lick over and over and over. Also, your transitions were really weird. I wish you had made those more fluent rather than just have the beginning section end and then start up with something completely different. Ok, it kind of completely stopped loading. I'll finish this one off later.

hel: (Psychotic Garden of Desire?) I really don't like that you kept using this one set of broken chords. The thing about major chords is they're evil. You can use them over and over and over again and no one will notice (this is why pop divas, for the most part, use major chords.) But your chords don't fit together quite as well. I'm usually drawn to augmented or minor chords like these, I absolutely love them, but you simply can't keep using the same one over and over in the same order. It gives me a headache. All those background noises are pretty freaking awesome though. Same as Acid, I wish you had climaxed the song. It just goes on forever, and then suddenly ends.

I'm going to take a break here. I'll give my opinions on Alert Game and Iasper's entries once my headache goes away.

Quietus 13 years ago

i usually repeat stuff cause i have too much of a headache to write alternate melodies/chords. so i find it funny, if a bit ironic that they give you headaches lol. sorry about that, i guess it's contagious. =P

oh and sorry about the lack of a climax too, since the theme was adventure i was going for a loopable/background music type sound. sorry =/