Music Compo!

Posted by pounce4evur on Jan. 22, 2012, 9:08 p.m.

Sorry guys, there were more for a competition than there were for a collaboration, and it seems to be the easiest thing to do. I just thought I'd throw out some ground rules and see what you all think. Again, I don't think I'll be hosting this, so anyone serious about hosting/judging/participating in any way, SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEAS.

So, the rules would be:

1. You cannot use tracks from previous works. They may be used as inspiration, but it cannot be the same song. (Meaning don't change a note in each song and submit that for the contest)

2. As you enter yourself as a participant, make sure to let us know what your preferred genre will be. You can change this at any time until you are 2 weeks into the competition (This will be a 3-week long compo, because I know a new semester just started).

3. The song can be any file type, as long as judges can listen to it and you can prove that all of the songs are yours (or even that it is your remix on a song). It is going to be this way because you can't put mp3 files into this site's file manager.

(any better ideas on this one are welcome. if everyone has access to a certain site, then that will be where the songs will be submitted)

3. You can use any and all music that you make in this competition for your V4D entry as well. (Cyrus says so.)

The theme is: ADVENTURE!



- Kamira ~ euphonium solo

- Link2x101

- JuurianChi ~ JuurianChi

- Acid ~ Urban Electronica

- MMORPGguy ~ Acoustic Punk Rock (?)

- colseed (mehbeh) ~ contemporary

- Mega

- Iasper ~ Classical Disco

- Alert Games ~ electronic/video game/synths

- sir Xemic

- Kilin ~ Orchestral & such hybrids

- blackhole ~ electronica


- anthonyloprimo ~ game

- Qwilderwibben ~ clasically electronic dubstep

- hel ~ psychadelic (if you didn't know by his avatar already)



So the dates.

January 27: Competition officially begins.

January 28 - February 16 HAVE FUN WITH THAT, make sure to keep me updated on any changes in genre or participation status

February 17 Judging begins (oh yeah, I need some judges) and fun things begin to happen. Bahaha. There, done. I'll get into detail later. Byee!



- Juju

- blackhole

- Alert Games (?)

Any people who want to be judges pleeeeeaaaaaasssseeeee tell me soon or I will hire band nerds to listen to your music like monkeys and they will be tired and angry from not being able to play their tuba soo


…be a judge. C: goodnight.



1. Mordi

2. Mega

3. Acid / Steve


pounce4evur 13 years ago

Yeah, I thought brain matter was going to come out my ears. You should play that stuff for terrorists, it'll make them talk.

Anyway, yeah that makes a lot more sense. But sitting there actually trying to give a musical analysis of it really gave me a migraine xD still a very catchy little tune. I was cursing you under my breath after I left the house because I realized I was whistling it.

Astryl 13 years ago

Oh man this one is fun!! I love that you attempted at a ritardando at 0:13, but it was a little awkward. Aw fuck, that totally would've been my top pick had you made it longer. You can't just end it, you have to finish it! Alright, this is still one of my favorites, I was dancing around the room to that one lol.

Odd, I was just working on it again, making it longer. Heh. And what JuJu said was annoying me, so I've been playing around with it, and creating more 'chapters' for the piece, while trying to decipher everybodies musical jargon. I'm still pretty new at this. :P

Iasper 13 years ago

Still having an headache?

pounce4evur 13 years ago

Yeah, actually xD I've had a persistent migraine for these past few days and I tend to be a lot more harsh when my head hurts, so I don't think it would be fair to judge like this.

hel's music should have warning labels for this shit…:P

Castypher 13 years ago

I had no idea you were so blunt!

pounce4evur 13 years ago

I am? D:

pounce4evur 13 years ago

heroin, actually. but you were pretty close.

pounce4evur 13 years ago

Alert Games: Holy yes. This is awesome. I love that bassline. Where'd it go? Ah well, these little synth noises are pretty amazing. I feel like the hero's running to save the princess. Oh there's that bassline! Good timing with that!…Is that a flute? lol that's cool. And now I'm dancing. This is totally something I would listen to on repeat for a while. Oh that is completely awesome you got the sound to jump from headphone to headphone! I've always wondered how that was done. This is a sick low section (sick in a good way!), I love it when the song gets quiet and then comes back. This does sound pretty adventure-y, in a good way, and the musicianship is awesome.

Iasper: I love that you started this out simply. A lot of people forget that heroes don't always just launch into adventure, they have simple beginnings. There's no time markers on this thing, but where it starts to pick up the pace, I thought of Pokemon xD This is really cute and happy. Woo! Now it sounds like the hero's on an adventure. I like that bottom part, it's upbeat and reminds you that you're going somewhere. Fuck, this is fast! Uh-oh, it sounds like the hero's in trouble now? Oh, just kidding it's happy again lol. I kind of wish you had that section where you hear the struggle, the middle part where the hero has to fight his way through something awesome. I think both of you were kind of missing that. But overall, it was really nice!

MMORPGguy: I'm not gonna lie, those lyrics do tell a story. I'm not going to blame the quality because that isn't your fault at all. I kind of wish you had sang a little louder. I kind of wish you had changed the chord structure a little more and not used the same rhythms all the way true. But I do like the song, it's got an interesting story and I actually kind of like your voice. Put out some more music, experiment with quality and structure, and I think everyone else will like it too. :)

pounce4evur 13 years ago

Juurian: Because your song is incredibly long and I have to sit through and listen to it, you get a long comment you have to sit and read through. Bahahaha.

I'm listening to the full score on your website. I'm going to listen until it's time for me to go to pipe band, then I'll come home and listen some more. I actually really like this beginning. It kind of reminds me of the intro Danny Elfman did for Planet of the Apes (not the new one). I kind of wish you had used different drum beats to spice it up, but it's still pretty cool. Also, maybe next time start it out kinda soft and then build up rather than starting out with the badassery? Dragging it out this way kind of kills it. It's much, much better and delivers a way better effect when you start out from nothing and then get up to this. Overall I'm liking the darkness of it, it sounds like the villain HOLY FUCK VIOLINS? And it shifted. Oh yeah, I remember this now. You're going to need your own comment.

Alright, I'm kinda digging this. Sounds like I'm in the jungle or something. Maybe the hero lives in the jungle and this is before he needs to go fight the villain? This beat's cool. I wish it had more bass to balance out with this high-pitched synth stuff. These sounds are pretty cool. Interesting chords at 6:20, I like this. Hey wow, it changed. This arpeggiated stuff is cool. And, back to that idea you had. I really think this would've been great had you tied in some idea from the first section into this one, and maybe not made the change so sudden. Again, you're dragging out these ideas for too long. There's a certain kind of balance between dragging out an idea and shifting too fast. When your song just sits there like it is right now, your audience gets a little bored (you're lucky I'm ADD and I'm listening to all the noises), and when you lose them you don't always get them back. Considering how long the song is, I think it's safe to say that you dragged everything out a little too much. Maybe that's something to work on. Alright, next section I guess?

This sounds asian. What I don't understand is why didn't the song start out this way, and then have that badass intro right here in the middle? That would've been so much more awesome. This is the way to start a song. Happy, simple, upbeat, cool bass line. Then you could've gone into that jungle shit (because I imagine that this is where the hero is in his hometown, then he goes to the jungle to get to that badassery). This almost sounds like a guitar. Pretty cool. What's with the rainmaker noises randomly spaced throughout the song? It's really weird. I've heard them in each section as the only thing that carries through, but that only contributes to making it boring for people–they feel like they've heard it before.

I'm horrible at explaining things, but I'll try. What songs do is they take one idea and morph it bit by bit by bit. You move it into a conflict. Then you morph it more (without going in a completely different direction) until you come back to the (slightly morphed) main idea you started with. This gives the audience the feeling that they are going somewhere. They familiarize with that main idea, and as it changes, they feel it. When they reach the conflict, they're more likely to be involved because they've felt all this change the main idea is going through. And once you take it back to the main idea again in the end, you kind of give it a different feel so they don't go oh, we're back to this?

I feel like what you did is you took several completely different ideas you had and mashed them together into one song. Your transitions aren't particularly good–I would have loved this song if they were, because each individual section is cool in it's own way. What you need to work on is moving your idea around without boring people to death, and without completely starting over each section. It's tough to do, but it's what you're missing.

firestormx 13 years ago

Juurian: Because your song is incredibly long and I have to sit through and listen to it, you get a long comment you have to sit and read through. Bahahaha.

I'm listening to the full score on your website. I'm going to listen until it's time for me to go to pipe band, then I'll come home and listen some more. I actually really like this beginning. It kind of reminds me of the intro Danny Elfman did for Planet of the Apes (not the new one). I kind of wish you had used different drum beats to spice it up, but it's still pretty cool. Also, maybe next time start it out kinda soft and then build up rather than starting out with the badassery? Dragging it out this way kind of kills it. It's much, much better and delivers a way better effect when you start out from nothing and then get up to this. Overall I'm liking the darkness of it, it sounds like the villain HOLY FUCK VIOLINS? And it shifted. Oh yeah, I remember this now. You're going to need your own comment.

Alright, I'm kinda digging this. Sounds like I'm in the jungle or something. Maybe the hero lives in the jungle and this is before he needs to go fight the villain? This beat's cool. I wish it had more bass to balance out with this high-pitched synth stuff. These sounds are pretty cool. Interesting chords at 6:20, I like this. Hey wow, it changed. This arpeggiated stuff is cool. And, back to that idea you had. I really think this would've been great had you tied in some idea from the first section into this one, and maybe not made the change so sudden. Again, you're dragging out these ideas for too long. There's a certain kind of balance between dragging out an idea and shifting too fast. When your song just sits there like it is right now, your audience gets a little bored (you're lucky I'm ADD and I'm listening to all the noises), and when you lose them you don't always get them back. Considering how long the song is, I think it's safe to say that you dragged everything out a little too much. Maybe that's something to work on. Alright, next section I guess?

This sounds asian. What I don't understand is why didn't the song start out this way, and then have that badass intro right here in the middle? That would've been so much more awesome. This is the way to start a song. Happy, simple, upbeat, cool bass line. Then you could've gone into that jungle shit (because I imagine that this is where the hero is in his hometown, then he goes to the jungle to get to that badassery). This almost sounds like a guitar. Pretty cool. What's with the rainmaker noises randomly spaced throughout the song? It's really weird. I've heard them in each section as the only thing that carries through, but that only contributes to making it boring for people–they feel like they've heard it before.

I'm horrible at explaining things, but I'll try. What songs do is they take one idea and morph it bit by bit by bit. You move it into a conflict. Then you morph it more (without going in a completely different direction) until you come back to the (slightly morphed) main idea you started with. This gives the audience the feeling that they are going somewhere. They familiarize with that main idea, and as it changes, they feel it. When they reach the conflict, they're more likely to be involved because they've felt all this change the main idea is going through. And once you take it back to the main idea again in the end, you kind of give it a different feel so they don't go oh, we're back to this?

I feel like what you did is you took several completely different ideas you had and mashed them together into one song. Your transitions aren't particularly good–I would have loved this song if they were, because each individual section is cool in it's own way. What you need to work on is moving your idea around without boring people to death, and without completely starting over each section. It's tough to do, but it's what you're missing.
TL;DR, lawl!

(It's my site, I can be a douche if I want to)

Blackhole and Pounce did a good job reviewing the music, good job!