Another Music Challenge

Posted by pounce4evur on Dec. 27, 2012, 4:38 a.m.

Hey guys. I just wanted to throw this out there, and see who's interested in, or has time for a music composition competition. Of course, this one would (hopefully) be a lot more organized than the last one, and I'll actually have time to sit down and judge this one, because I don't need to do Wintermester, seeing as I passed all my classes.







-Charlie Carlo



-Taizen Chisou










-The Avatrol






(don't anger the gods–these are PIECES.)


-January 5th (Start Date)

-January 22nd (Deadline)

Time Cap

Don't intentionally try to kill us with a 20-minute piece. If your piece runs a little long, that's fine, but please be aware of the fact that we've got to sit through and analyze every bit of your composition.


The theme is now Mystery!

**Decided to change this to a challenge, because coming up with a ranking system for music is really difficult and could prove to be unfair. Each piece will receive individual feedback, but will not be ranked or compared.



Here's a list of the entries that have been posted thus far. I am posting ALL of the links that you guys have given us. If you want to scrap a piece, update/edit it, or don't want it to be critiqued, let me know.


Who Did Iddit?

Charlie Carlo


Dead Frequency


Music for the Tip of your Tongue

Music for Fossils

Music for a Crime of Passion

Music for an Abduction

You were with me all along, weren't you.


Mystery Music Challenge 2

Mystery Music Challenge 3

Taizen Chisou

Mysterious Mysteries of Mystery



WIP Mystery

Steven's Going to Kill Me


Tower of Illusion

The Avatrol

MZX-Troventh Angle Stop 64C




9 Seconds of Inspiration




pounce4evur 12 years, 2 months ago

I dunno. I could say which is my favorite, but it'll probably have nothing to do with skill or adherence to theme, so…yeah. All I'm saying is, if we're going to make this a competition, there's very few ways to make it fair.

I'd love to be corrected, if you have any ideas…

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

I just want to participate because it's something fun to do. Same reason I join any competition on this site. I quite like Space and Mystery as themes. Tragedy would be an excellent theme though, since I've never successfully made music that sounded tragic, despite wanting to. It'd be challenging, at least for me.

Gordy 12 years, 2 months ago

oh me! pick me! I want to join! pick me!

Iasper 12 years, 2 months ago

So here's the idea: We pick a small one or two minute scene from a film or video and everyone writes a score to it. I think it'd be interesting to see how different people approach it.
I've done this before about 7 months ago to a text and I like this idea. It'd be nice to see how much I've improved during these 7 months because it's comparable :D

And I don't really care if it's a challenge or a competition. Last competition, I knew I wouldn't get in the top three or anything but I just did the best I could. In challenges, you should do the best you can as well, not to get ranked high, but to give other people a good impression and to show how good you are at writing music.

pounce4evur 12 years, 2 months ago

Gordy's in!

Steven, I think that sounds like a really cool idea. It'd be interesting to see. We could judge based on how well the theme fits the music and such. The only thing is, we would need access to the clips they used to create the music…

pounce4evur 12 years, 2 months ago

oh! like one clip for everyone?

pounce4evur 12 years, 2 months ago

Oooh. That could be interesting.

JuurianChi 12 years, 2 months ago

Now this is very interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing the clip we get to use.

I haven't had many opportunities to score for existing video.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

But there's a scene in Jurassic Park with no music, where Jeff Goldblum talks about chaos theory.

(Also Movieclips.)

It's shorter, and it has Jeff Goldblum in it.

Thats like, automatically, at least 10x better.

Gordy 12 years, 2 months ago

I think it would be a better idea to work with a set of scenes that don't contain much dialog, like an action scene, for instance.

I mean, there's a reason the directors didn't have music during dialog scenes, there's no reason for them.

the scenes selected should be a combination of fast paced action, and slower buildups/rests to allow for the most variance.

My suggestion: