Serprex's toys
I've collected a few balls recently, keep them in my pockets. I bring them out while bored in class, and amuse myself
The oldest is a wiffle ball, fun to poke stuff through and listen to the hollow bouncingThen I got a bouncy ball that's all cracked. It has …Hypocrites
I think hypocracy is a good thing. See, when we denounce someone for something we are guilty for we denounce ourselves; pushing us to self evaluate and reflect on what we should do
The problem is when we deny our hypocracyMy saw teeth need brushing
Today I was bored in English, and I was by a computer. So I flipped over to Npad and started jotting down an informal draft specification of a true Lisp. In this variant, there would be only lists. Even numbers, they'd be lists of their binary representation. No more datatype …
Not die today
Ya, the goal I stated on my GOAL SETTING sheet got me talking to a social worker about suicide. Waste of time, I was just bored
Apparently I'm impolite and harsh in science class. Don't see how, I sit in silenceTo think that out of 12 submissions, half of …Cheese
So I was bored. Soon there will be an example, it already exists. Lasoo me the moon is a little pack of fun I decided to do. I also decided to have fun with the info. So don't forget, don't have fun
Also, go check out Perlin Noise. It …The most beautiful loop structure
int a,v,g=500;int[] p=new int[g+1];
void setup(){a=1;while(a++<sqrt(g)){if(p[a]==0){v=a*a;while(v<=g){p[v]=1;v+=a;}}}a=0;while(a++<g){print(a+" "+(p[a]==0)+"\n");}}I don't know why everyone likes for(;;), though do{}until has the obvious uses. And I know that most people don't seem to like for, because they seem to be overloading it with that awful thing we call syntax (Glares are Ruby …FizzBuzz
int a=0;
void setup(){while(a++<100){ if(a%3==0){print("Fizz");}if(a%5==0){print("Buzz");}else{if(a%3>0){print(a);}}print(" ");}}So I was reading random things about programming because that's what I do on my free time and I came across a person talking about hiring. The conclusion was "Most programmers can't program". Why?It took many programmers 10 to 15 minutes …Fall of a Language
Red|-|<|n|>u|-|d%ant |–|cit[cta](yns) |//| ga<|u|/>rs
Ya, so it turns out SciTE includes PERL in all the awesome power of its small powers. I was able to mod it to use wperl, so no more ugly DOSbox. Ya, strawberry PERL for win32 is a bit broken it seems, but meh. Now to …23
Dang DVORAK and not being programmer friendly. PFFT
Anyways, some kid today came up to me and was like "That kid over there wants to know if you're like uh autistic or something" and I was just dodging such a hassling question (Really, what's wrong with leaning your desk back?) …Conway's Game of Life...brought to life, so the Turing Complete CGoL has also been ported off to SHUMPnessAlso, yay hashes. Wonderful single byte ruby hash code here with evaluations of truth"a".hash==100"b".hash==101(Yes, I'm totally ignoring that it grows to the point of "aa".hash=6562050)We learn something everyday. Today, my teacher …