not not
Posted by s on May 13, 2008, 3:52 p.m.
So the top consumer is the part of the food chain that doesn't get eatenComment (in the wonderful form of question)So like black holes?ResponseExactly*moves on for a few seconds*Wait what?Response to response's questionBlack holesResponse to response to response's questionEr…not …Recipe for Disaster
Posted by s on May 12, 2008, 2:59 p.m.
Cup of anger
Pinch of prideLace it all with povertyMix well in a bowl of sour charismaBake until burntCan yield for a few millionIsn't it kind of becoming obvious after 265?
Posted by s on May 10, 2008, 11:03 p.m.
That I have absolutely nothing to say? I write a sentence out every day. No more are the fractals, the random images of progress. No. I simply babble on about some random thing I may of noticed for reasons unknown
Instead of reading random blogs, go learn lojban or somethingEndosymbisosis and nothing about rRGW7C being won
Posted by s on May 10, 2008, 7:27 a.m.
Posted by s on May 9, 2008, 2:44 p.m.
8:30 School starts
8:33 Gets out of bedPerfect timing gets me to school in ten minutes because waiting for buses is for people who don't have a bus synchronized brain clockYa, I stayed up probably until 1 to 2. Silly Firefly went to bed at 4:30 or something, …(sin/sin')'=1/sin'
Posted by s on May 8, 2008, 3:49 p.m.
I got Nestopia's NetPlay working with Tom, took a couple hours (Dang inputs not working). Then we spent a couple hours playing (Took us awhile to get past the first stage, nice to know that game designers had balls once upon a time(I also was freaked out by …Oh my god
Posted by s on May 6, 2008, 3:35 p.m.
Blood. The small bathroom's small corner is BLOOD
Ya, ripping out a cat's claws makes it bleed. Who'd of thought?Anyways, I give you brainfuckisfuckingoverrated//Arg0=FuckedCode varv,//cmdp,//Pnta,//Aryo;//Outp=0;o="";v=32000;while(v){v-=1;a[v]=0}while(v<=string_length(argument0)){switch string_char_at(argument0,v){case"<":p-=1break;case">":p+=1break;case"+":a[p]+=1break;case"-":a[p]-=1break;case".":o+=chr(a[p])break;case",":a[p]=ord(get_string("I don't feel like doing no non fancy inputs",""))break;case"[":if!a[p]{while(string_char_at(argument0,v-1)!="]"){v+=1}} …The Plan about THE plans
Posted by s on May 5, 2008, 2:30 p.m.
I lost my plans, oh dear oh dear
I LOST THE PLANSI lost the plansTHE plans!Therefore, we will insert an E into the plans and fly away in a plane. Because planes crash and I'd rather go BOOM than DOOMDown over up left to the middle …Fuck me, Jesus Christ
Posted by s on May 4, 2008, 9:53 a.m.
In the words of my mother, amen
Anyways, Nonimportant and I have mutally set on a mission. To get Story of Sir Isaac Newton featured. Last time we lost by half a vote, this time we might be able to get it in. Epic lulz will be issuedAnd on …