Uninteractive Fiction
This data log has much to say in quantity but nothing of which you should care be it so
T4 T1 41 T5 5 T5 U3 53 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 T3 33 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 U3 3 …Funerals are boring. And I just lost a few days so that my reading contract can't be finished
Annoying though when you want to reach out to people but you don't. Always just sitting there, thinking about what you could do, want to do, will do, but don't. Nobody reaches out to you like you want them to because they think you'll just gaze at them and mumble, …
Luda's baby
He won't even look at it. Ignoring me. Pfft, almost makes me not care about the fact that I failed to cut down on the massive overhead
Saving fixednum bytes
An IPv4 packet has a header of 20bytes
A TCP message adds 20 moreUDP adds 8What is the point of saving a byte when you have such an overhead?That is why I've created a plan. To buffer the data to an array and then send it as …Bozoto
The second bozo I've created is
Saved another byte
Was the bitstream too
The lashback? Ally energy accuracy has half as many bits, but you'll never notice. I had to shift x,y from 8bits to 6 so that I had 4bits to merge. Wrote a trainwreck for a few minutes, then rewrote it perfect in less than a minute …Stupid technique of the day
self with (-1)other with (-2)all with (-3)noone with (-4)global with (-5)WTF is -6?local with (-7)This can at times be useful, such as mirroring a local variable and a global variableDoubleFire!! OnlineShump
Noodle said he'd prefer reading about my random dev logs than some person going to their friend's to eat pie so I figured I might as well announce it
Today I felt that lost feeling
While trying to reconfigure my sine law to work with a script, I began to understand why so many quit. Thankfully, I'm too retarded to quit
Also, my circular spiral avatar got replaced with…