Some Thoughts

Posted by surface on May 4, 2006, 8:11 p.m.

First blog entry so I figure I'll make it worth reading…

Currently I'm working on a platform engine for a future game. It's turning out pretty good (better than previous attempts). I've got the weapon selection and ammunition coded and am now working on a depth system. The idea behind it is, when a player is fighting enemies, all objects (such as crates and boxes) are out of the way. This way you are not unloading a clip into a box, thinking your shooting a enemy. When no enemies are on screen, the game allows the objects to be interacted with. I'm not sure if it's the best idea (I haven't had time to test it out completely yet) but in my head it sounds good! I've been playing around with a few other ideas (especially for AI) so no real progress has been made.

Also been playing with the interactive environment idea (which I hope will be a big part of this engine). It might not be the ultimate in 2d engines, but I think people will be impressed.

A (very basic) screenie. I know it's not much to look at, but it is something!

School is almost out! I'm really happy about that! Going to work most of the summer for my car (Pimped out Mitsubishi Eclipse). Plus I need some (more like a lot!) of money for clothes. I know, I don't have to shop at Abercrombie, but I want to :P I plan on working out most of the summer too (when I have time). I need some more creatine (so if anyone is willing to donate some money…) and I've gotta get a workout plan scribbled out. I quit football this year (coaches make it too NFL for my tastes) and I don't wanna be some fat little P.E. kid, so I gotta keep in shape.

I think that's it for me. Hopefully not too boring.



ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago

Fix'd your image tag

Tasm 18 years, 9 months ago

Looks like an interesting game. Nice graphics style. Welcome to 64D, BTW.

surface 18 years, 9 months ago

Thanks! I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong.

Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to dígitos del sixiyfour.