D U A L _ W I E L D
Ok, so here's some news that would make some people happy and some pissed and some not care. My interest in Lucon is starting to spike up again, which means ROY's on hold. I have been working on Lucon and I have implemented…
..wait…for it…..wait..for..it…DUAL WIELDING! Yes, now …R O Y _ V I D
Omg noes!
It's yet again ANOTHER video of ROY!Well, yeah it is.Anyways, Roy is pretty close to being ready for a public demo now. I've had the game tested by several people who either PMed me about it or who I felt like contacting to test the game, …S T U P I D_I S_ G M C
Ok, so this guy called Gamehomie made some Hilarious posts over at the GMC about how one of the moderators sucks cock and all that. It was funny, feeling n00bish (and dieing a little inside), I posted a game called " Bunnies of Luv", a game were you grow bunnies …
O M G _ R O Y !
Nope……I'm still alive.
Well, I've been sort of working on Roy 'n stuff, but not much. I basically have the story concept done and I'm working on the first village. It's a mostly backwards and natural place. I'm getting the NPCs down too, and trying to figure out how they …R O Y _ U P D A T E
So yeah, basically, I have accomplished NOTHING on Roy. I dunno, I get so lazy 'n stuff. And also, I have alot of AP homework i'm trying to finish before school starts again.
Oh, here's a pic of RoyI'm trying to get a good story into place. The story …R O Y _ U P D A T E
So yeah, now that winter break is here, I'm trying to get some work done on Lucon and Roy. I'm actually starting to loose interest in Lucon right now, and Roy is my main focus. I have implemented some AI (actually borrowed from KINESIS) and here's a link to a …
R O Y _ F O O T A G E
OH noes! another WIP footage?
Well yeah, i'm working on YET ANOTHER wip (That makes FOUR now), called ROY. I decided to start working on this after i play LUDWIG, by REZ. Well, in the game, you play a guy called Roy (omg nowai! rly?) and his girlfriend gets taken …M E E T _ T H E _ G U N S
As a promo for Lucon, I will be starting an introduction to all of the guns in Lucon.
Today's gun is the AK-E, and evolution of the AK-47. It's one of the slower machine guns, but it's the best machinge gun you can get after the Strider-8. It is also …