Raped by girls!

Posted by ultim8p00 on Sept. 7, 2007, 4:12 p.m.

He blogs again!

Haven't blogged in a good while.

Anyway, I FINALLY turned eighteen! I couldn't wait dammit. Now I can order porn on my debit card without fear!

Seriously though, I had one of the most kickass-est birthday parties ever. It started out pretty dull, not a lot of people were showing up and I thought the party was going to flop. Turns out I was freaking out for nothing because it was only 9pm. People didn't start coming until 11pm. Then, we did the regular birthday stuff like eat stuff and mingle. Then at a little past midnight, we all went downstairs into the basement and there was music. I was bday boy so I got special treatment aka being the middle of the sandwich and stuff like that. Did a lot of dirty dancing and grinding, especially with this one girl(FWB? maybe lol), but nothing off-the-wall. Well, I got pretty tired so I went into the guest room. There were a bunch of girls in there playing games and gossiping as usual. They were like "hey it's bday boy" and I was like "yeah yeah wtv where's my present" and they are like "oh we got one for you". I wasn't even paying attention when all of a sudden I hear someone yell "LET'S JUMP HIM!" and the next minute there's like a bunch of girls rushing at me and stuff. So they got me on the ground and I was like "argh get off me" but of course that was just bull. I was loving it lol! I got a lapdance from almost every one of them (4 out of 6 girls is an "almost" right? right? hehe). It was great. One of them was on me and yelled "i'm so horny" or something like that but nothing more happened though. It was still awesome!

Contrast that with my life right now and it's the complete opposite. Im in college right now and it sucks! 17 credit hours of mostly science classes, six hours of homework every fuckin' day! Short essay tests and random quizzes! Im a freakin study-a-holic now. I turned down a "date" (just dinner with a friend lol…but I have hope)to study! It's that fuckin' bad! I basically have no life. I do almost NOTHING fun.

Also, I got Metroid Prime 3 for teh wii - but wait! I can't fuckin' PLAY it because I don't have the time! Aagh can't wait for December! The end of my misery!


marbs 17 years, 4 months ago

There are a few people on 64D who are girls, but who knows who else could but a girl pretending to be a guy? I know there was one person like that, so there may be more.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

Are you implying something about yourself… merbs?

ultim8p00 17 years, 4 months ago

lol @ sk8m8trix

melee-master 17 years, 4 months ago

Metroid Prime 3 is an amazing game.

OBELISK 17 years, 4 months ago


Just…thought I'd throw that out there….

Cesar 17 years, 4 months ago

oh, then in that case

I R NOT A WOMAN… OR MAN… OR HUMAN… erm.. I mean I am a man

Quietus 17 years, 4 months ago

Who the fuck pays for porn? >_>;

ultim8p00 17 years, 4 months ago

I am (not)^1932 a woman

marbs 17 years, 4 months ago

Are you implying something about yourself… merbs?
uh..no <_< >_>

ludamad 17 years, 4 months ago


Nope, no sex.

BTW girl rape is a real issue that happens to a select few men. It just sucks that WE never happen to be those elite few.
Real girl on guy rape isn't nearly as pleasant. It usually has the girl overpowering the guy and performing things generally not pleasurable to the guy.