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Old Game Maker games archive
I'm working on an archive of the "Games Showcase" games from the old official Game Maker site. It can be found here:
Around 208 games have been found and about 44 are missing. If anyone can help with the missing games, or share this, I'll really appreciate it.The …WholeQuoth
Just a silly little thing I've been poking away at… a fake movie quote generator. Inspired by an old After Dark screensaver module called Nonsense, it's basically RNG madlibs… perhaps a bit quaint in the era of neural network AI generation, but it can still be pretty amusing.

My car's new name is Umbreon
Some dude with a blue Acura on the freeway and his license plate saying "Articuno" inspired me to rename the decade old retired name and change it to "Umbreon" as its one of my fav's :)
Its scary to think about. But I hit a hard wall careerwise; for the …Magic of Spring: Demo is now available!
A card game I've been working on since 2021 now has a demo!
Click this oversized link to go to Steam pageOr this tinier link for a standalone demoHello!
Still around, still getting nothing done while being always busy. My website still has an incomplete blog submission process cause I keep putting off learning more PHP.
Sick today so I'm calling out from work. But bleh. I feel like the most I'll do is lay in bed and get …Its been so long...
Glad to see 64D is still up and running.
I hope all is well. So many dev memories here. I recently built a home server. First rack build ever. Running Ubuntu. 16 cores (32 threads) 128gb RAM, 10 HDD… Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. For …Yet another metroidvania
You know what they say, a metroidvania a year keeps the doctor away or something. And that's what I have again:
Click this giant link to play the game on this small link to see the source code)Not my most successful metroidvania, though, but… umm, it has …SawBlade Sorceress Opening Cutscene Mockup

Why is everything terrible
Hey guys, I haven't posted in basically forever. I just kind of needed somewhere to vent.
I've had an undiagnosed illness for the last 9 months, I'm in constant pain ranging from 4/10 - 7/10 throughout the day. I've seen about a dozen specialists and had countless diagnostic tests, every …