Acid's RPG Design Log

Posted by Acid on April 11, 2012, 2:20 a.m.

Personal section of the blog: Today I found out I have asthma [/personalsection]

I still need a name. I'm thinking "Hydra" since that was the title of the first game I ever made. It was a space-skin of 1945 with power ups. :P


There will be three classes for every object in the game - Fighter, Cargo, or Transport.

Fighter class ships will focus mainly on manuverability and firepower. Battle ready, they can equip any type of weapon and most equipment.

Cargo class ships have shipping goods as their main aspect. All around, they are the most "balanced" of the ships, able to essentially create their own work if no jobs are available due to the constantly fluxing galactic economy.

Transport class ships are the highest paying of the three when it comes to class specific jobs. Living cargo is the most precious cargo, and people are willing to pay lots of money for safe travel.

There are also parts that can be equipped by ANY class but, aside from those exceptions, you are limited to parts within your hull's class.

Main Components:

Hull - Base stats (Max HP, Manuverability, Mass), # of Weapon Slots, # of Equipment Slots, # of Thrusters

Wings/Mini Thrusters - Manuverability, Power

Thrusters - Power


There will also be three classes for weapons - Light, Medium, and Heavy.

Light weapons will consist solely of mini-rail guns.

Medium weapons will consist of lasers, and ion turrets.

Heavy weapons will consist of missiles, mines, and something else :P

For equipment, there won't be different classes.

Mining Lasers, Decoy beacons, and Mineral Deposit Radars are some ideas of what type of equipment will be available for the player to use.

I have tables and drawings and junk of what the ships will look like and what class can use what type of weapons/equipment. But it's 3 AM and I'm feeling a bit tired.


Necessary Functions for Full Submission:

In-depth ship building system - Customize colors, add visual details like lights or thruster tails

Mineral mining - The whole reason I'm making this game

Galactic Economy - At least two factions with individual cultures and currency, trade minerals and resources

Functioning Mission system - At LEAST randomly generated "fetch this or kill that".

Stuff I hope to get in before I submit:

Huge, open galaxy - Sure, there will we warp points, but I love the feeling of actually role playing those long, lonely treks in space. (I call them star treks.) If possible, I want to have a randomly generated galaxy with hundreds of star systems… But I'm thinking it might be better (and easier) to have a much smaller, more "well knit community" type galaxy with only a couple handcrafted star systems.

Tons of minerals and resources to trade - I want to get in quite a bit of resources, but to keep the systems clean and balanced, it would be hard to manage 30 different items for trade.

Full scale battles - Maybe some missions could have you helping a small, meek system defend itself and keep it's resources. A full 20 on 7 dogfight. Sounds awesome.

Actual Free-Roam - This is a feature that is VERY important to me, but I don't know if I could get all of the bug testing done OR even have the game run at decent speeds at this point. Honestly, I'm not the greatest programmer around. :P

EDIT: Fixed some errors and stuff but I'm going to bed now… I'm super tired. There's probably a lot more typos and errors and what not. I'll *maybe* fix them in the morning. I keep coughing up phlegm and it sucks.


Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

You guys are dicks, pushing me off the front page of the activity feed and what not.

Mordi 12 years, 9 months ago

Cool, I like devlogs.

You should create a fancy design document.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

I was debating whether or not I should.

What the hell, why not?

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago


Hey that's my generic name for my generic 1945 space shoot-em-up and my game engine! :P

And this sounds like it'll be an interesting game; not a traditional RPG, but it looks like a solid starting point.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Wow, that's really weird! Yeah, it won't be a TYPICAL rpg, but it will have skill and stat advancement through the economy - as you gain credits, you spend them on better parts and equipment, allowing you to be stronger and more useful.

I'm super excited though, guys. Everybody has some great ideas so far!

Kunedon 12 years, 9 months ago

I'm not the greatest programmer around. :P
Hey, that's my line.

And this sounds like something I'd thoroughly enjoy.

Everybody has some great ideas so far!
Even me?

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, definitely. I like how the general stats/HP and the "tec" stats are going to be independent. That way you can level up overall, and work on the main skills that you enjoy first.

KaBob799 12 years, 9 months ago

My 1945 space game was called 2245 =p

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

I actually made THREE Hydra games (Four if you count the two versions of the first one)

1 - Hydra - My first game ever. 1945 with new cartoony graphics and health, life, and weapon powerups. Extra enemies and a boss too.

2 - Hydra 2 - An attempt at trying to make a sequel to the first one, except there was an explorable solar system with different planets that made up the levels. Each world had a theme like jungle or ice and a mini cutscene at the beginning. I worked on this one with Pacman (rawrspoon) I made some garbage midi music by doing terrible scales in some super simple music program. It was pretty bad. I never finished that. :P

3 - Hydra remake - I started this probably last year or the year before that. It was another scrolling shooter except that it had some pretty decent graphics and some nice effects. I also put a lot of effort into making a story that was interesting. It was okay… I thought about turning it into a bullet hell, but I suck at those games so that would be dumb. This could have actually been decent if I cared to put time and effort into it.

I was never really serious when I went into making these games, except for maybe the first one, but I have worked on a lot of open galaxy space engines that sucked when I first started learning GML. But, now I actually know what I'm doing programming wise, I can actually undertake the task of murdering myself with literally THOUSANDS OF LINES OF CODE THAT IS ONLY SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SO THAT I CAN HAVE PARTS THAT FUNCTION AND LOOK DIFFERENT THAN OTHER PARTS.

Really, what killed my attempts at making a game like this before were:

- Lack of programming competency

- Lack of dedication

But I decided that nobody else is going to make the game I've always wanted to play, so I might as well use this compo to give it a shot. :P

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Holy crap look at the active users list. O_O