my song
I didnt make it wintery intentionally, but it came that way and I liked it :D Im posting it here because you guys are awesome. UNFORTUNATELY, MP3's wont upload on 64D even though it says that it is supported. Though it says wrong type "mp3" and the accepted is …new song [trance / vg]
i havent posted songs on here in a little bit so here it is:
EDIT: IMPROVED & EXTENDED:(Embedded Audio)SoundCloud linkheh already zero bombed. newgrounds never fails (i would post on soundcloud too but not enough time to put it on there right now :/ )in other …GMH5 - screens
So, GMHTML5 is basically a thrown together program with 2 main features: importing from GM8.1 and exporting to HTML5. So I was thinking…
Please read: GM HTML5 beta is now available.
Will studio be a better deal, and if so skip this version?Worth $80? (see below)Since you probably want to get to the point:PROS:-Easy and fast development into HTML5. Which is good for lazy people that wont download games. >:(-Can (probably) communicate with the webserver …women
So im at my uni right now (Lawrence Tech Uni), but this laptop cannot play minecraft very well on lower settings. So i'll blog. D:
I like uni. So much better than community college, because everyone at uni wants to have a fun time, but still do well in school …AGM-API
My Minecraft Tex [Stream]
I made an uneccessarily long video to show off my texture pack. I streamed it live over ( HOWEVER, DSL is good for downloading, but blows for uploading. So the fps is terrible on the stream. I may just end up recording things instead of streaming them.
Just skip …API WORK <- Motivation o_o
So after reading about Gamejolt's closed beta on online achievements, I decided I'd like to work on my API until the thing is good enough to be TESTED. And it is close. I can smell it.
GM RELATED QUESTION!Besides 39dll, what other DLL's and scripts are most common with …WOW! Check this ouT! (Streaming)
I got it working yay. EDIT: Done Streaming