Make a smallgame collab!!! << Join Up <<

Posted by Alert Games on June 4, 2011, 2:50 p.m.

I want to have another highscore game on my site, you all want another cool game to play and make.

The solution? A collaboration!

I feel that not a lot of games are being announced on the site anymore, and Im pretty sure it falls short of these activities that we all have to do: work, school, girlfriend, minecraft.

So in order to make a cool game, may I propose to collaborate graphics, ideas, small storyline, a litte programming, and some music and sound effects.

Really, if a few people contribute their strong suits, this would work and be worthwhile. The game would show a splash at the beginning with the 64 digits logo. It can show that 64digits can do better than YYG. >:( (they are in the top 100 game studios…)

Anyway, feel free to post some ideas, or criticism resources to make a small but cool game. Maybe ill throw in achievements…. why not.

EDIT: And I'm not suggesting a completly similar graphics set either. If the gameplay and ideas are good, the graphics and sounds may not be as continuous but still good.

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People interested:

JID - programming rarely

Mush - graphics (yay!)

Moikle - style?

SMP - level design/art

Avatrol - music/sfx

Kamira - Story (maybe)

Cyrus - Observer + ideas / setting

Me - programming (menu and GUI)

Game facts:

It will be in 640x480 resolution. Just so we can keep it simple (unless you want 800x600…)

It is a platform RPG, with slashing and stuff. Some weapons, some collectables/items to use, statistics and stuff.

Will have achievements and highscores, so will have a method of calculating that. (maybe total enemies killed?)

More will be added.

Once it gets started, we need to:

1. Decide on the details:

>>Style, type, and gameplay for the game should be established. Please post your ideas so we can combine things together to make something from it! It will be posted above when decided.

2. Gather resources:

>>put together collections of graphics to use for characters, backgrounds, buttons, etc.

>>get basic gameplay programming engine coded

>>get sounds and music together, or at least establish a theme of the sounds to use

>> have a basic storyline in place to follow along the game

3. Later on as it is built and put together we can discuss what else needs to be changed, added, etc. More resource collecting if necessary. Use GM8's export resources option. I have GM8.0 and 8.1…. Dont know how that will work out…

FB Discussion:

Forum discussion:


Moikle 13 years, 8 months ago

ooh, sounds fun, i enjoy particle effects and general programing, but i mainly like programing graphical things


also, I like coming up with styles for the aesthetics, but I don't really have enough time to do actual spriting

Mush 13 years, 8 months ago

Yes, I can help with graphics. I like the RPG-platform idea. Still brainstorming for other ideas atm. Maybe we should discuss on the IRC?

Moikle 13 years, 8 months ago

Also, if we're doing a rpgish thing where you fight monsters, I suggest doing a monster huner style thing, where you can use carves from monsters such as hides and claws to improve weapons and armour/create new ones, which can be use to make fighting the larger monsters easier.

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

I like that idea moikle. I think I also would like stats being recorded for kills with a certain weapon and all of that. I could easily code that.

IRC is a good idea, if not MSN is also good if you guys have one. (msn: mark[at]

But i was invited to go to a fair tonight so unfortunately I wont be on later…. until after i come back.

Definitely upload graphics and sounds, or post ideas if you think they are good. We can always cut out things we dont need to make it work :)

Mush 13 years, 8 months ago

Definitely upload graphics and sounds, or post ideas if you think they are good. We can always cut out things we dont need to make it work :)

We need to establish a setting and the basics of a story before we can do graphics. Also, things like screen size need to be sorted out.

I guess we can still make sprites/tiles as concept art…

Moikle 13 years, 8 months ago

Does anyone use the 64d facebook group anymore? That would be good for communication.

My msn is being strange at the moment, I may need to get a new account.

The Avatrol 13 years, 8 months ago

I'd love to help out. :)

I'm willing to provide ideas, but mainly, I would love to do music/sfx. I'm very versatile and I've been doing chip tune stuff lately if we decided to go the "retro" route.

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

Alright I made the discussion thread here:

Still post on here about ideas though so everyone on 64digits can see it. ;o

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Oh, you changed it from minigame to smallgame.

I approve and if everyone's actually serious (and trustworthy), count me in.

colseed 13 years, 8 months ago

Sounds interesting…

Dunno how much I'd be able to help though :/

I guess I could…er…write a short story for you guys to base stuff off of?

But then I should prob'ly post some short stories sometime shouldn't I gahh

Seems the Facebook group is going to be archived shortly by the way