SmallGame *Story* talk

Posted by Alert Games on June 6, 2011, 11:06 p.m.

Here are some ideas that people generally liked that we should decide on, so we can work on story and gameplay ideas. :)

Type: RPG / Platformer

Setting: Roman-ish time period, but with different environments and possible different dimension as a twist.

Not too heavy on magic, but can still have some.

(Heres a previous idea)

Quote: Cyrus and Mush

Time: First Century A.D.

Place: Roman Empire (Pompeii/ Herculaneum)

Style: The story should feel adventurous and epic yet lighthearted (meta-fictional and self-referential); i.e. unpretentious.

[One idea is to have the protagonist try to prevent the volcanic eruption by fighting the Roman gods (or saving them from evil).

It will not take place in Rome. It will be a made up lands and have different enviroments, which could resemble both egytian and roman lands. The volcano will be an optional event, and not the focus of the story.

We also were starting to decide NOT to reference 64digits very much or at all. I thought the canadonian's avatar was a cool idea though…. lol

Anyway, please contribute your ideas, or critique the above ideas! Post your opinions!

Now we can talk about story ideas around this setting.

Here is the starter thread if you wanted to see it: click here


JID 13 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, we could make a story like Assassin's Creed. :D

Like a guy who needs to go back in time and resolve a problem, so he can resolve a problem in the present time he lives in.

Brilliant! :p

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

Kinda yeah. Just not the same exact kinda thing. Dont wanna rip off the game's ideas, but it can be similar.

JID 13 years, 8 months ago

That's not exactly how Assassin's creed is.

He travels back in time through his ancestors memories.

In our game he goes back in time through something else, idk with what it is though. :p

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

save the planet for alien annihilation by finding what the aliens want? and have to travel to different periods in time to find clues as to what it is?

JID 13 years, 8 months ago

save the planet for alien annihilation by finding what the aliens want? and have to travel to different periods in time to find clues as to what it is?

Sounds good. Now that we have this, we should have a deep/complex story full of myths and mysteries.

So if this game winds up being successful, there could easily be a sequel.

Also, since the story is inspired from Assassin's Creed, perhaps there are some more ideas we could get from it:

Read some of this if you'd like some ideas for the story(if you want, it's kind of long, lulz)

Mush 13 years, 8 months ago

Now I think we're making it a bit too complicated.

Magic in RPGs is clich�, yes, but most of the time it is used in the generic-Medieval setting with mages, potions, and all that shit (which is why I think some people want to avoid magic). If we do include magic, I think we should make it fit with the setting i.e. Roman mythology.

For Rome being uninteresting:

As I've said before, the game does not have to take place in one city (like Assassin's Creed). There's nothing stopping the game from traveling to forests, swamps, caves, mountains, seas, cities, towns, and volcano. And if we decide to include mythology, the game could explore the heavens, temples, the underworld. The Roman setting idea was more to establish a time period than a place.

save the planet for alien annihilation by finding what the aliens want? and have to travel to different periods in time to find clues as to what it is?

wut? no.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

RPGs can actually be very cool and unique if they stray from the medieval style. Look at how well Fallout did (haven't actually played it, by the way).

EDIT: I seem to have missed Mush's edit, but I'll leave this here anyway.

JID 13 years, 8 months ago

Now I think we're making it a bit too complicated.
Lol sorry, I like Assassin's Creed complex story too much. I still don't know shit about it. :p

Also, pehaps we could make the game's levels able to be completed multiple ways.

Say you could use stealth, go in killing everyone, use diversions, or use the environment to complete missions.

wut? no.
Okay, maybe they could just be evil beings from another dimension? I dunno, lulz.

JID 13 years, 8 months ago

I still want a story that has some mysteries to it. >:|

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

I agree I dont want things to be too complicated.

@Mush: Ahh. Okay. Though how about instead of the mythology, how about just a quest to stop some powerful city (named something different than from history), then the person warps to another dimension or something like what JID said. I dont want it to be too specific, and not too boring either.

So with that idea, it wont be too complex of a story, combines hack n slash with a little fantasy and a little bit of magic, and a little bit of sci fi.

So you think youre fighting this evil group from this city, but it turns out theres another dimension with evil in it that is compelling it or something. Reminds me of lord of the rings a little actually.