SmallGame *Story* talk

Posted by Alert Games on June 6, 2011, 11:06 p.m.

Here are some ideas that people generally liked that we should decide on, so we can work on story and gameplay ideas. :)

Type: RPG / Platformer

Setting: Roman-ish time period, but with different environments and possible different dimension as a twist.

Not too heavy on magic, but can still have some.

(Heres a previous idea)

Quote: Cyrus and Mush

Time: First Century A.D.

Place: Roman Empire (Pompeii/ Herculaneum)

Style: The story should feel adventurous and epic yet lighthearted (meta-fictional and self-referential); i.e. unpretentious.

[One idea is to have the protagonist try to prevent the volcanic eruption by fighting the Roman gods (or saving them from evil).

It will not take place in Rome. It will be a made up lands and have different enviroments, which could resemble both egytian and roman lands. The volcano will be an optional event, and not the focus of the story.

We also were starting to decide NOT to reference 64digits very much or at all. I thought the canadonian's avatar was a cool idea though…. lol

Anyway, please contribute your ideas, or critique the above ideas! Post your opinions!

Now we can talk about story ideas around this setting.

Here is the starter thread if you wanted to see it: click here


JID 13 years, 8 months ago

We need a little bit of deception in the game as well, to provide interesting twists in the story.

Maybe we could have an ally in the game who eventually winds up betraying you, and the guys you though were evil in the beginning winds up being the good guys?

Eh, just throwing out some ideas.

Mush 13 years, 8 months ago

I think at the very least we should come up with a consensus on the basic setting (time/place), and then let the writers (whoever they are) come up with a detailed story.

At one point we're going to need to stop the brainstorming and make a decision, or else the project will never get off the ground.

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

@Mush: I think we established our time/place setting. Roman time period, but with a twist and different environments.

I'll put that on the main post, and we can argue it if its not good. ;)

Now more story oriented discussion!

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Now, do we want it to be realistic or just based on the Roman time period? Because although there (probably) weren't any jungles or massive deserts in Italy, you could use those as stage settings if you wanted to make it a little less realistic.

Mush 13 years, 8 months ago

The Roman Empire was pretty expansive around 100 AD:

You've got deserts in the Middle East, and subtropical regions in North Africa and West Europe. So maybe we can make the character travel a bit? Whether or not you use Vesuvius as a main plot point is totally up to the writers, but it seems like a good possibility.

Some brainstorming questions:

- Who is the protagonist?

- What problem is he faced with?

- Who/what is the antagonist?

- What is the antagonist's goal?

- What "dungeons"/areas will the protag. need to visit? Why, what's there?

- Will the prot. have a partner?


Reasons for protag. to take action:

- Revenge

- Save love (Mario-Peach model)

- Greed

- Prevent destruction

- Prove his manhood

- Exploration/Adventure

Alert Games 13 years, 8 months ago

@Kilin: I guess realistic, in the respect that I say no focus on magic or mystical stuff like that. Can be stretched a little though. You know, whatever works and is fun.

I vote for revenge. Revenge usually gets you motivated to beat the bastards. I think having a partner is a little elaborate and could be worked in later if we'd like. I think the antagonist could be conquerors maybe? Or an evil group. Maybe they destroyed your town or something. Would be an interesting introduction.

Also a map in the game would be a cool idea maybe.

I would like to see more input though. Story people should come back to talk about some ideas!

mazimadu 13 years, 8 months ago

University? Wouldn't it make more sense to base it in Egypt instead of Rome (the library at Alexandria comes to mind, that is something worth fighting for). Magic is something I expect the Egyptians to be good at since Greek and Roman scholars, while superstitious, didn't place a lot of faith in their gods. Remember, Socrates was killed for bot believing in the gods and most of the Roman/greek gods were pricks.

Also, given my move from Rome to Egypt, I'm not sure how the whole trying to stop a volcano plot would work. You may have to fill me in on that.

Moikle 13 years, 8 months ago

i think we shouldn't have it set in rome, more like a fantasy world with some similar architecture and features. it makes it much more open that way.

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

I agree with moikle.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Agreed. Though it sounds iffy at first, a "fantasy" world gives us much more flexibility.