This is the final working day, and as promised, there will be no more extensions. If your games aren't finished, just submit what you have. If you want to submit any notes such as controls, additional story, or even what and why it isn't finished, …Instead of F4D, I Made Music
And this time it wasn't related. I'm a day behind and am having all the trouble in the world focusing. These extensions are worth nothing!
Anyway, I started by drawing again, then I decided to make the related music. Yes it is a remix. No I don't have the art …F4D Deadline Extended
For those of you who missed, this weekend onward has and will be hell for me. I've also seen a lot of people having issues meeting the current deadline. So rather than ending the competition and forcing you to wait to even judge, I'm instead extending the competition deadline.
I'm …F4D - The Final Stretch
You guys have all been hard at work and it's almost time to present. But first, there are a few things I'd like to go over. First of all, due to some billing issues, my internet access is limited, so I couldn't take care of this as soon as I'd …
Merry Kirisamas!
The Host Posts an F4D Devlog?
Frosty Four Digits

64Digits Winter Comp
As some of you may know, our host has stepped down. I know some people were really looking forward to it, especially after how great of a host Toast was (unintentional, I swear). I for one would like to see it continue as planned. We saw a great boost in …
64DCG - Subsidiary Members
Now that we've got a roster, it's time to get a community vote on which additional members should make appearances. This includes cameos, extra bosses, comic relief, characters who actually help the plot along, and maybe another chance to improve the playable character roster.
What I'm looking for is everyone's …64DCG Planning Phase Over
Last blog's poll wasn't so popular, as the only votes were for the setting to be 64Digits or the internet, and nobody had any idea what to do for the theme. Aside from that, the votes were tied. Well I've done some thinking, and here's what I've come up with. …