64Completition Progress Check 1

Posted by Castypher on May 17, 2013, 6:39 p.m.

Hello fellow completition participants. It's been one week since the event began, and as promised, here is a progress check for the lot of you.

In case you're wondering what this is for, this progress check encourages you to keep working by letting you compare yourself to other participants. It also allows us to combine all your enthusiasm into one blog, rather than having everyone make his own.

There is no set template for how I want you to post your progress check, but I do want you to consider the following:

- A screenshot of new content

- A textual description of what you've accomplished in the past week

- Any frustrations you may currently have, whether or not they're barring your progress

If you've already posted your progress sometime this week, I still want you to post here, even if it's just a copy of what you posted before. This allows me to see who is making active progress and who is struggling a bit.

I understand you all have busy lives so I'm not going to be a hard-ass about this like some of you seem to think. The reason this exists is to help you gauge your performance and try to bring out the competitive spirit that allows you to say "Hey, this guy is doing pretty well. I need to keep up!"

Even if you don't make progress, posting your frustrations might help you get some advice to get out of that rut.

This blog will stay open until Monday, after which I'll go through and blackmark the people who didn't post. Blackmarks are only effective after three consecutive failures to post any progress (which is extremely lenient, I might add), and the penalty shall be decided by your peers. Receiving three blackmarks will not disqualify you; it's intended to be a fun way to keep each other in check.

So stop stressing. Have fun. Finish your games or they'll finish you.


Cesque 11 years, 5 months ago

- A textual description of what you've accomplished in the past week

I, uh… started working on the collision engine. Once that's done, I should be on the right track to posting some screenshots of actual game content.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 5 months ago

Morepigman, that game it looks incredible.

eagly 11 years, 5 months ago

So. Who missed this? Who do we get to punish? :D

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 5 months ago

Fuck, all these games look incredible, actually.

It makes me really inspired to finish something for this competition.

But Credence Filter will likely take years considering my obtuse experimentation with graphics and story with an objective to make the game as perfect as possible.

Just a quick question for those who care, especially killin, because I'm known to be an indecisive mother fucker; Should I develop Credence Filter during the rest of this competition, a game which I see as my magnum opus that deserves significant time, or should I finish this murderous jumpy shooty deathmatch arena game which I consider to be something fun to do that will likely take a week if I put effort into it? The remaining time could be put towards adding new features. Basically I'm asking: over-developed game or under-developed game?

Castypher 11 years, 5 months ago

As the man who initially came up with the idea, I hereby appoint eagly as the Completition executioner. Any and all who miss the progress checks three weeks in a row will be appropriately humiliated, but not disqualified.

I do have a bit of updating to do in regards to the participants and those who missed this week's progress checks, so bear with me for a bit.

And for Charlie, I've personally wanted to see Credence Filter for a long time, but I also want to see games get finished (even though making significant progress is just as acceptable). If you can come up with a good premise for this other game of yours, and pack it up with content, I'd suggest working on that one instead. Otherwise, if you feel that your time would be better spent on Credence Filter, round up Taizen and get some work done.

Castypher 11 years, 5 months ago

Also, I wanted to have this as its own post, which I will periodically remove and update in case anyone comes in and shows progress last-minute.

These are the people who have missed this week's progress check:



Taizen Chisou



Taizen Chisou 11 years, 5 months ago


No screens because what I've done isn't much to behold.

Much bugfixing's been done, I'm presentating the ass out of things, tearing out a lot of shitty patterns.

Probably the biggest obstacle is how shoddily I programmed back in 2010.

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago



Taizen Chisou



Requiem 11 years, 5 months ago

Made some sounds (by which I mean opened up sfxr and started mashing buttons) that play whenever the player hits an enemy, along with a sort of quick, blurry screen flash when an attack hits, just to make attacks feel a bit more impactful.

Actually having a spot of trouble with this, as the 'subtract' blend mode does all sorts of weird things when using surfaces - previously there was a fullscreen effect going on that made the whole place darker, being that it was underground.

The enemies are also new: shooty diamonds, stabby diamonds, and weird lumps that buff said diamonds.

Not shown: Diamond shaped holes in the floor that spawn more diamonds.


Castypher 11 years, 5 months ago
