The presence of this blog officially means I'll be sticking around after the Completition. You guys have shown me exactly what I was trying to prove to myself – that 64Digits can keep the same motivation, productivity, and interest in each other that it always has.
Just so everyone is aware, this is a project I'm establishing now, but will finish after the Completition. I plan on having a prototype ready by this weekend.So those of you in the IRC and Cyrus's blog may have heard that I've decided to revisit the 64Digits Community Game, which was an attempt to revisit the days of when people could see themselves and other 64Digiters in a game. This project fell out of my priority list due to 64Digits' spiral downward, but I've decided to stop just waiting around for it and do something.This time around, though, it will be a Castlevania-esque bullet hell platformer rather than the original RPG-shmup hybrid I was trying to use to get you people into my favorite genre.Additionally, I'm collaborating with Mega, who will be handling things on the graphics end, and by the sound of it, he's not skimping. If any other spriters *cough*MUSH*cough* can assist while keeping the general style, you're welcome aboard.Additionally, the later iteration should have multiplayer support, including both co-op and versus, which should be very entertaining.I'm going for the style present in Touhouvania, which was the inspiration behind this rework (skip to halfway through the video to see the gameplay): This also means I'll be redoing the characters submitted to me in the original 64DCG incarnation. More on that later.Questions for you:1) Due to certain constraints, not all characters could be playable in the first release. Instead, the characters will appear as allies and enemies, and you'll play an alternate protagonist. Who do you think this should be and what qualities should I give him/her?2) At first I didn't take the story very seriously, but I want to see if people prioritize the gameplay and characters over a story, or if I should put effort into writing a dark/quirky/humorous story and which one to focus in on.3) What characters would you like to see in the initial release?4) For those familiar with the gameplay style, what revisions would you make?5) Which do you expect to see more of in-game: the users or their characters?I've already got quite a few people interested, and if the reception is good, I'll go ahead and ask for character details next time around.If you do have a preference for a character who will represent you, you can still post it here.
I'll give you complete reign over my character, but I just wanna remind you of the anthrotankroboman I used to have for an avatar (the original Panzermancer character) - that could come in handy for the design.
I'll be posting them tomorrow, as soon as they're done.
I'm creating one major animation set, for the player. Bosses are going to use completely different animation keys, given that most of them are going to be airborne most of the time. I've got a standing frame for the main character so far. Need to give him eyes still (When I'm too lazy to draw eyes, I give 'em shiny glasses).This sounds like fun. Is there something I can do to help? maybe with the story or dialogue?
An anonymous insider wait no that's a lurkerteagameTeamspeak party afterward, where everyone gets together and humorous readings happen. In other words, do all three. Hue.+1 BARRAGE GOI hate when I'm most busy with my projects, then cool stuff like this comes along. I would've loved to help, if my hands weren't currently full with my own game.
as for the questions, i would kind of like the kingdom hearts way of things - creating a new character and having him meet up with familiars. but either way sounds good, honestly.