Crimson Sky - Big Update + 2 Screens

Posted by DSG on Jan. 5, 2007, 7:30 p.m.

new screen of Ardor's environment:


- 002%

what i've done:

- Half way done with first area of the alien planet, extensive tiling and complicated visual effects including smooth and realistic day/night transitions, random thundrstorms, i fully programmed the JUGGERNAUT i mentioned in a previous blog AND YOU CAN RIDE HIM with alittle practice with getting on his back… Decided to add a (possibly) extinct, greatly intellegent species (its unknown to you but it seems the species is long dead), opening the likely possibility of the race playing a major role…

about the alien planet:

- called ARDOR, meaning 'passion' or 'life'

- wet environment, if you have ever played METROID PRIME 2, its somewhat like Torvus Bog, but with a more tropical feeling and wider range of weather and atmospheres, plus the scattered epic architexture of the extinct species.

- various creatures ranging from harmless and beautiful to grotesque and brutal… insect-like, plant-like, and aquatic-like most common

- advanced plantlife including the fungus that engulfes its pray at tremendous speeds, and plant/insect hybrids

ideas for the future:

- this intellegent race lost to an evil and savage race of monsterous beings a long time ago, as the motivation and causes of the war become clear throughout the game

- possibly a paranormal aspect to the game (unlikely)

- survival aspects (imagine this: you encounter a beast you have no chance of defeating so what do you do? you find a cavern where it cannot follow you and you wait until it goes away… or better yet fine a way to lure it away somehow)

- puzzle elements involving the extinct race such as ancient labyrinths and some type of life-scale rubix cube but alot simpler. maybe 2x2x1

- lots of walking

- ancient keys to collect scattered from area to area that unlock random areas


Q. how did my weapons end up placed across the planet!?

A. your ship exploded thousands of feet in the air in the midst of a mighty cyclonic storm… cargo was scattered around the storm… you find your weapons eather inside damaged cargo containers or near a clearly ruptured or destroyed container

Q. How the hell do i get home!?

A. its a surprise… it involves the extinct people and their technology

Q. What is my goal?

A. Survive, advance and investigate this alien world of Ardor.


tylerthemiler 18 years, 1 month ago

Did you pixel those dot-by-dot??

Andy 18 years, 1 month ago

Great screens, I cant wait to see the game play. ;)

DSG 18 years, 1 month ago

ya dot by dot

Flea1991 18 years, 1 month ago

Man, the current spriting-master is in a serious tie between REZ and DarkSirrusGames! =-P

Those screens look very proffesional, keep it up man.


Maxcore 18 years, 1 month ago

except REZ sucks.

JW 18 years, 1 month ago


elmernite 18 years, 1 month ago

Wow! Nice!


Juju 18 years, 1 month ago

except REZ sucks.
No, REZ has a different style.

DSG 18 years, 1 month ago

REZ has an awesome style and i like it

thunderbolt 18 years, 1 month ago

Wooooow! Man those graphics are way too cool! I fall in love with the GUI. And all other graphics are sexy too. I always liked your games and i think we won't be disappointed.

Damn, drawing pixel art sometimes makes me sick. I congradulate you for wonderful sprites.