64 Digits, WHY?

Posted by DSG on June 11, 2006, 7:53 p.m.

OK this site has changed!!

good stuff:

<b>PM system… </b>AWESOME!! I LOVE IT!! its important and good to have

<b>Forums…</b> in beta stage… work on it… GOOD THING

<b>Showcase…</b> YES

donno stuff:

<b>Badges</b>… uhm…sot really a bad thing but kinda to… boyscoutish

<b>RSS feed</b>… what is it?? whats it 4??

bad stuff thats needs to go:

<b>Reputation</b>… WHY? if someone needs to see what it is then what kinda reputation is that?? a rep isnt spoken, its known.

<b>Level</b>… its pointless… i dont care iff its high, i personally think it makes the site look like a joke.

<b> THE RPG!!</b> BAD!! buggy, lowers the quality and my respect for the site, its not even an RPG, it isnt fun, and its a waste of space. i really dont like it at all.

needed stuff:

<b>report system</b>… that would be good. reports can use the PM system. under every blog have a report link next to the ADD COMMENT link. it'll be an automated PM message that is sent to a blog mod that maybe can be selected in a drop-down select box. the message will say the sender, the blog, the writer of the blog, and a box will be shown that is titled ADDITIONAL COMMENTS?. and u click SEND REPORT and it'll say REPORT SENT TO -mod- . THANKYOU FOR REPORTING. maybe a drop-down box or checkmark area with the reason(s) why the report is made.


ludamad 18 years, 8 months ago

Fl<b>u</b>ck. You guys are a serious bunch of complainers sometimes, for the last time, the rpg can be turned off and freaking ignored - there wont even be blogs about it! I'm more than pissed off right now, to say the least. You've made like what, three blogs about the rpg being bad already? Level and reputation could go, but they don't bother me. I swear, I really think some of the members are goddamn stupid.

Kaz 18 years, 8 months ago

RSS feed… what is it?? whats it 4??
I dont know either.

THE RPG!! BAD!! buggy, lowers the quality and my respect for the site, its not even an RPG, it isnt fun, and its a waste of space. i really dont like it at all.

If the bugs get fixed up and alot more stuff is added it could be fun. Right now, no its not that great.

Reputation… WHY? if someone needs to see what it is then what kinda reputation is that?? a rep isnt spoken, its known.

Level… its pointless… i dont care iff its high, i personally think it makes the site look like a joke.
Yea pointless.

report system…

poultry 18 years, 8 months ago

I agree with Ludamad…

noshenim 18 years, 8 months ago

I can't believe you don't like the rpg >_>.

report system… a few users are happy without it XD.

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

but its still here… and so am i… the rpg is part of the site and so am i. indirectly it affects me. fine. i wont complain about it but i want my position on the matter known.

DesertFox 18 years, 8 months ago

Quit whining.

melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago

I personally feel that the RPG should be relocated to its own subdomain. FirestormX thinks so too. It's taking over the site, in my eyes…

I also agree that reputation should be gone, and probably level as well. Badges are enough "rewards". If you know what I mean.


Yeah, We'll get the PMreport system done after we've finished up most of the PMing.

ludamad 18 years, 8 months ago

Thanks Chiken.

DSG, Jake put some work into the rpg, saying "BAD!! buggy, lowers the quality and my respect for the site" is just crazy. How on earth could you get less respect for the site from a feature a bored mod made? Admit it - you are saying what we don't want to hear.

Melee: Taking over the site!? No… not you too O_O

FredFredrickson 18 years, 8 months ago

Quote: ludamad
Fluck. You guys are a serious bunch of complainers sometimes, for the last time, the rpg can be turned off and freaking ignored - there wont even be blogs about it! I'm more than pissed off right now, to say the least. You've made like what, three blogs about the rpg being bad already? Level and reputation could go, but they don't bother me. I swear, I really think some of the members are goddamn stupid.

Yeah, users who correctly identify a poorly constructed, poorly conceived, unwelcome addition to the site are "goddamn stupid." Have you ever heard the story of the New Coca Cola / Classic Coke?

I don't care how long it's been in planning. I don't care how great it <i>will</i> be. It's a really stupid addition to this site, and it make this place look like amateur-hour. The fact that so many users have told you guys it sucks, and that you've pretty much just ignored them because you want your own little RPG is ridiculous. If you introduce some crappy thing like this where it has no business, and people complain, you really ought to listen - because chances are if a lot of people say it stinks, they're probably right.

Rez 18 years, 8 months ago

Fluck. You guys are a serious bunch of complainers sometimes,

We expect more from 64digts than a RPG, thats all.