64 Digits, WHY?

Posted by DSG on June 11, 2006, 7:53 p.m.

OK this site has changed!!

good stuff:

<b>PM system… </b>AWESOME!! I LOVE IT!! its important and good to have

<b>Forums…</b> in beta stage… work on it… GOOD THING

<b>Showcase…</b> YES

donno stuff:

<b>Badges</b>… uhm…sot really a bad thing but kinda to… boyscoutish

<b>RSS feed</b>… what is it?? whats it 4??

bad stuff thats needs to go:

<b>Reputation</b>… WHY? if someone needs to see what it is then what kinda reputation is that?? a rep isnt spoken, its known.

<b>Level</b>… its pointless… i dont care iff its high, i personally think it makes the site look like a joke.

<b> THE RPG!!</b> BAD!! buggy, lowers the quality and my respect for the site, its not even an RPG, it isnt fun, and its a waste of space. i really dont like it at all.

needed stuff:

<b>report system</b>… that would be good. reports can use the PM system. under every blog have a report link next to the ADD COMMENT link. it'll be an automated PM message that is sent to a blog mod that maybe can be selected in a drop-down select box. the message will say the sender, the blog, the writer of the blog, and a box will be shown that is titled ADDITIONAL COMMENTS?. and u click SEND REPORT and it'll say REPORT SENT TO -mod- . THANKYOU FOR REPORTING. maybe a drop-down box or checkmark area with the reason(s) why the report is made.


Joewoof 18 years, 8 months ago

RSS feed… what is it?? whats it 4??
Anyone who doesn't use RSS feeds to keep track of their favorite users should die. No really.

Just google for one. There are loads of them for download. I'm using Feedreader right now (www.feedreader.com).

And besides, it allows you to easily keep track of GM Insider's interviews (http://gminsider.blogspot.com/), without having to visit the site regularly.

takua108 18 years, 8 months ago

I've said before: use <a href="http://reader.google.com" target=_blank>Google Reader</a>, it works really nicely and looks cool. A good introductory RSS reader.

Now, as for the 64Digits RPG: I know, I've been for it in the past, and yes, I understand that there's been a lot of work put into it…but I don't know what to think. Everyone seems to powerlevel or else not play at all, except for me, and that, in my eyes, ruins it. Plus, I'm at a wierd point where I can't level up because anything that give me EXP pwns my ass off, but that's a side issue.

marbs 18 years, 8 months ago

I don't really mind all this stuff. I agree that the RPG thing would be better on a different domain, and that It gets annoying seeing nearly all the blogs are about RPG (Which hopefully they won't be any more). As for the user level and reputation, meh…I don't mind. But definetly keep the badges.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 8 months ago

it can't actually be ignored completely, since peoel make fucking useless blogs about their rankingi n it all the time. Im ranked number 1… do I make a damn blog about it, no. All I even mentioned about the game is that if it was going to stay, it should be improved and it shouldnt have been put up for testing in the first place at such a low level of completion.

Also, I was defeated quite a few tiems before I ever set the game to on… people know of ways to attack non-players apparently.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 8 months ago

And for the record, Takua… not everyone powerlevels.. I hacked… there is a big difference.

ludamad 18 years, 8 months ago

For the record I said I was for the subdomain thing.

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

kk cool

Cesar 18 years, 8 months ago

I think that the RPG isn't fun anymore, i mean, it went from by-the-hour updates to none… sad really, i personally quit the RPG, there's nothing to do, plus, in GM it would've been better, user-interaction, something to see…