64 Digits, WHY?

Posted by DSG on June 11, 2006, 7:53 p.m.

OK this site has changed!!

good stuff:

<b>PM system… </b>AWESOME!! I LOVE IT!! its important and good to have

<b>Forums…</b> in beta stage… work on it… GOOD THING

<b>Showcase…</b> YES

donno stuff:

<b>Badges</b>… uhm…sot really a bad thing but kinda to… boyscoutish

<b>RSS feed</b>… what is it?? whats it 4??

bad stuff thats needs to go:

<b>Reputation</b>… WHY? if someone needs to see what it is then what kinda reputation is that?? a rep isnt spoken, its known.

<b>Level</b>… its pointless… i dont care iff its high, i personally think it makes the site look like a joke.

<b> THE RPG!!</b> BAD!! buggy, lowers the quality and my respect for the site, its not even an RPG, it isnt fun, and its a waste of space. i really dont like it at all.

needed stuff:

<b>report system</b>… that would be good. reports can use the PM system. under every blog have a report link next to the ADD COMMENT link. it'll be an automated PM message that is sent to a blog mod that maybe can be selected in a drop-down select box. the message will say the sender, the blog, the writer of the blog, and a box will be shown that is titled ADDITIONAL COMMENTS?. and u click SEND REPORT and it'll say REPORT SENT TO -mod- . THANKYOU FOR REPORTING. maybe a drop-down box or checkmark area with the reason(s) why the report is made.


DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

luda, a sister site is a perfect solution to everything. your RPG would prosper on a sister site. FF, thanx. your totally right. luda, listen to the opposition. majority rules! i understand your upset, it was for the site, and supposed to be a good thing. but what u dont see is that it was nothing more than a poor decision to make it integrated with the site. i've been saying to make it on a sister site since the beginning.

"FF, it's disabled by default, you can disable it, what more do you want?"

it affects 64D thus me indirectly.

also, thanx melee.

and melee: "How about this… If I were to implement a useful feature, what would you want it to be? (other than reports, as those are technically in progress). "

better feature?? uhm… i'll think of something… gimme time…

this should be post 14 but it took a while to type, this is where i stand from that point.

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

DAMN ppl post here fast… thanx firestorm. yeah the RPG is totally not needed. its a whole separate kinda thing. subdomain or remove

DS 18 years, 8 months ago

majority rules!
Wrong. Site admins rule on the internet. They pay for this site, they do whatever they want with it. End of story.

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

kinda not the best idea and i'll regret suggesting this later but, a little chart with a thumbs up and thumbs down button for like and dislike user. only vote once. i hate this idea already lol it would be like this:

*thumbs up icon* 35 <b>ADD VOTE</b>

*thumbs down icon* 4 <b>ADD VOTE</b>

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

majority rules if mods and admins want to keep users and respect, DS

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

haha yeah make the RPG in gamemaker

DesertFox 18 years, 8 months ago

I dont care really - I think that the sub-domain is a great idea.

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

thanx, fox

DS 18 years, 8 months ago

majority rules if mods and admins want to keep users and respect, DS
Possibly, but that means that majority rules under conditions, not just majority rules.

Malaika 18 years, 8 months ago

I actually agree with DS about the RPG. Its not that we're forced to play it, we aren't. Its that blogs and the chat have both deteriorated into nothing but talk about the RPG. Its got nothing to do with Gamemaker or game making, its boring and pointless, and do we really want new users to see the RPG before anything else when they come here?