64 Digits, WHY?

Posted by DSG on June 11, 2006, 7:53 p.m.

OK this site has changed!!

good stuff:

<b>PM system… </b>AWESOME!! I LOVE IT!! its important and good to have

<b>Forums…</b> in beta stage… work on it… GOOD THING

<b>Showcase…</b> YES

donno stuff:

<b>Badges</b>… uhm…sot really a bad thing but kinda to… boyscoutish

<b>RSS feed</b>… what is it?? whats it 4??

bad stuff thats needs to go:

<b>Reputation</b>… WHY? if someone needs to see what it is then what kinda reputation is that?? a rep isnt spoken, its known.

<b>Level</b>… its pointless… i dont care iff its high, i personally think it makes the site look like a joke.

<b> THE RPG!!</b> BAD!! buggy, lowers the quality and my respect for the site, its not even an RPG, it isnt fun, and its a waste of space. i really dont like it at all.

needed stuff:

<b>report system</b>… that would be good. reports can use the PM system. under every blog have a report link next to the ADD COMMENT link. it'll be an automated PM message that is sent to a blog mod that maybe can be selected in a drop-down select box. the message will say the sender, the blog, the writer of the blog, and a box will be shown that is titled ADDITIONAL COMMENTS?. and u click SEND REPORT and it'll say REPORT SENT TO -mod- . THANKYOU FOR REPORTING. maybe a drop-down box or checkmark area with the reason(s) why the report is made.


melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago

Okay, I think we can agree on that if the RPG was moved to a subdomain, it would be for the better. Why? The people who like it could still use it, and the people who don't wouldn't even hear or see any mention of it.

How about this… If I were to implement a useful feature, what would you want it to be? (other than reports, as those are technically in progress).

flashback 18 years, 8 months ago

RSS feed… what is it?? whats it 4??
Basically, it gives you a list of the most recent blogs on that parseon, or the recent 64digits news. Like the feeds you can put on Google Personalized Home. Like the ones you get from CNet and those. I added it because a while back somebody said it'd be really cool to have feeds of your friends' blogs, so I added it. And the latest news feed is useful to tell you what's going on on 64digits… without actually having to be on the site… and it's not surrounded by New games and blogs titled "I AM LVL 90476483967 LOLOLOLOL!"

Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly with you, DSG.

ludamad 18 years, 8 months ago

FF, it's disabled by default, you can disable it, what more do you want?

And sorry, I did get a little angry earlier, but honestly, you guys complain about the rpg even when you have it off.

firestormx 18 years, 8 months ago

The RPG thing is really "iffy" in my eyes. I mean, users like it, but it wasn't suppoesd to be directly intergrated into 64Digits itself.

I don't know what the rep and level were made for, but meh. I think Jake should probably move it into the profile page or something. Hopefully he reads tihs, 'cause I'm gonna forget to sugest this next time I talk to him.

flashback 18 years, 8 months ago

Because it only runs off on your blog page. You still see it on everyone else's page. And because people won't stop blogging about it, though I most harshly pwn them with my Off the Front Page rays.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 8 months ago

I just don't think this site needs and RPG at all. Just because you guys have a bunch of free time doesn't mean you should start adding a bunch of useless features to the site… Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Take a cue from melee and put the RPG on a subdomain. And if you can find a good thig to program, do it. If you can't, why mess with it?

FredFredrickson 18 years, 8 months ago

Why doesn't JakeX just program the RPG in bloody Game Maker? [:P]

melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago


Yeah, it would have WAY more potential, plus he could use an online .dll to access the database.

KaBob799 18 years, 8 months ago

the rpg is fun, but it can be distracting from the rest of the site.

melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago

It is distracting from the site. You can tell by the lack of normal site activity.