Yea, bet ya haven't seen me post a screen to show off a boss or an enemy.

Dashu, the first god boss and keeper of ghost mode.
Yes yes, the 'floating head and hands' design for a boss is cliche. WELL, THEY'RE GODS. any form is representational, they aren't physical beings. If you ask me, this 'cliche' works so well for the game, it's forgivable. Besides, I do plan on having a ghostly body visible as well, and the chained wrists make for a unique approach to this idea as they symbolize the spiritual possession they are under by the REAL boss.
bongohdan bongdross
I'd need to see the boss with said ghost body to properly form an opinion on this. Graphics are the shit though, not that that's a new observation for this game.
In case there's confusion; colloquially "the shit" is good, "shit" is bad.Sure, I'll add to it and post a new screen soon
Cliche or not, awesome work. Look forward to seeing something I can play.
I want to see the chain movement in action.
I want a sundae.
But it's Sunday already…
The chains look pretty nice, and ive programmed a grab attack where he grabs you and drops you. im experimenting with torso designs at the moment
So when you say they're gods who possess things, do they really die after you fight their one "body"? Or would they possess other things in the future, too?
And as far as the cliche goes, self-awareness is key. As long as you're aware of what you're doing, don't even worry about what other people think. Knowing rules to break them applies here, too, but putting a spin on it would probably be the best choice.Like Kamira said, I think the chains are a step in the right direction. Looking forward to this, as always.