Going through hell in search of love

Posted by Ferret on Sept. 14, 2010, 12:46 a.m.

It is an unsurprising fact that I am a lonely, single male who, for the right woman, would upon request seriously consider lobbing off his own leg for no real reason aside from her lols. As such, I've heard much advice lately from friends to stop being my shy self and "going after what I want." So last friday I asked a girl out and I'm not sure if it went terribly wrong or if I was unfortunate in the timing.


Before you click that o-so tempting "Show" button, let me explain that I wrote out lots and lots of crap, sat back and thought "blaurgaflarg, this is too big and crappy." I thought maybe a few of you may want to skim the premise of it so I shoved it all in this here hide tag. I suggest you don't click it. (*watches you click it*):<

I met this girl on the second day of school, about 2 weeks ago, we were both trying to add into the same class. We talked a bit, but not much. Then later in the same day I ran into her trying to add into the same chem class as me. Again some time to talk but not much, however I saw her later that day trying to add into another chem class (after 2 weeks we both ended up not getting any of those classes). Here we got a good amount of talking done.

I assumed I would see her Thursday, judging by the classes we visited. However I didn't, and was sad that day :(

The next week on Thursday I saw her, but she was hanging out with her friend and I felt like she was avoiding me from what she was saying and changing where she was going, so I just kinda gave up :(

Then, Friday, she seemed to want to hang out with me, we ate together, but afterward she said she had to go to the library. In my head I kept screaming at myself to ask her out, that I wouldn't be able to at the library and it's my last chance (it wasn't). However I was stupid or too scared to ask her right there and then so I just went to the library with her. Sadly she needed to go to the computer lab and I had already mentioned that I had my laptop. So I lost her and jumped onto my laptop to chat with RC and see what I should do. RC pumps me up to find her and ask her out no matter what and that is what I do. Sadly she wasn't in the library at that point, however I was lucky enough to find her at the cafeteria. I felt like this was my only chance, and I couldn't return to RC without taking it….
Sadly, when my opportunity arose her friend was there as well, adding to the awkwardness. I stood there for a while, making crappy small talk, hoping her friend would miraculously find a reason to go away for a second. She didn't. So before the awkwardness became worse I said something along the lines of "blaurgaflarg" and asked her if she wanted to get dinner sometime. Two surprised faces. The friend jumps on her phone to pretend to do something. The girl responds saying she has a part time job and it's hard to find time (morality -1) I respond that I do too and if I had her phone number I could discuss what time would work later on. She responded that she was changing cellphones soon and would change her number (morality -2). Before I could say anything though she gave me her email address (morality +0.5?). I took it and walked away.

What the hell do I do with that?!?

First off I feel like she hated me the way she had an excuse twice to stay away from me, but then she gives her email address? Idk what to do. Even if those excuses were true how the hell do you ask someone out with an email???


In case you were wondering, this was the first time I asked someone outside of highschool. In fact in highschool I only asked 2 girls to dances and that's it.

I feel like crap.


thernz 14 years, 1 month ago

ferret bringing down the hammer

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

I have no idea what Juju and I are talking about either.

Mush 14 years, 1 month ago

I knew exactly what you guys were talking about.

F1ak3r 14 years, 1 month ago

I see the logic in Juju's strategy, but it wouldn't be easy to actually pull off. You'd have to glow with the same suave, opinionated courageousness that Juju does, and that might blow a hole in the "be yourself" thing.

Leyenda 14 years, 1 month ago

Three simple words:

Ladies love outlaws.

They may marry nice guys who dote on them and shower them with attention. But before that, they want a little risk and some danger. Outlaws.

So be funny, edgy, tease her about something. Then ignore her for a while.

Bryan 14 years, 1 month ago

You asked her to dinner? Why not ask her if she wants to marry you? You'd better ask if she wants to hang out.

What I like to do is:

"Hey I'm going to get a beer after school on friday, want to come along?"

SleepinJohnnyFish 14 years, 1 month ago

I'll be honest, it took me a minute to realize that when you said "morality", you really meant "morale"…

Anyway to respond to the final question there… you don't ask a girl out with an email address. You ask her out in person, which you already did, and she made an excuse to say no.

It sucks, but your only real option is to take that response for now, and either move on or see if her decision changes in the future. Don't push it and just be yourself.

SleepinJohnnyFish 14 years, 1 month ago

Also this:

Quote: Leyenda
They may marry nice guys who dote on them and shower them with attention. But before that, they want a little risk and some danger.

"Women love danger. If they could, they'd just date a fire."