GSMB3Engine Dev Blog

Posted by Gatete on Feb. 23, 2016, 5:46 a.m.

I bet everyone remembers that Super Mario Bros. 3 engine made by a user called "DrJellik".

K, this time I'm doing a replica of the SMB3 engine with Game Maker: Studio from scratch


I'll provide more info about the engine as I progress with it ;)


Gatete 9 years ago

I added a HUD on the engine, look the first post to see it.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years ago

60fps? I really want to start making levels with this bad boy…. but not if the engines not done since I don't want that effort to go to waste

Astryl 9 years ago

@SpectreNectar: I'm trying to make the scripts easy to read and edit.
Then you should definitely be applying the principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

Gatete 9 years ago

So I applied a shader on Mario that makes his outline flash when he's invincible.

Gatete 9 years ago

Here I come with a new update

This time I added working question blocks, later these will be able to sprout out mushrooms, fire flowers, super leafs and all items found on SMB3.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years ago

watching from the sideliens… letting you know that this looks very sick. buttery smooth like the real thing and the physics seem really close to the original if not exact. keep going man i'm definitely a fan of this engine. i WILL use it

Gatete 9 years ago

I updated the source and the executable.

- Fixed Mario allow to move when crouched down in a floor.

- Added the GMALP DLL onto the engine.

Gatete 9 years ago

Added 3 new gifs on the album.

In related news, I switched to GMFMODSimple because GMALP has some problems.

Gatete 9 years ago

So I added a proper invincibility effect

The shader makes use of actual palettes.

You can find this shader right here.

Gatete 8 years, 11 months ago

Wow, it's been a week since I posted a thing about this engine. Well, I'm not going to disappoint you guys.

Horizontal Wrapping System

You can enable this by setting "global.hwrap" on the creation code of the room, this is deactivated when the room ends so you need to call it again. The moving platforms were a pain to get them to work.

Custom Camera system

See the camera, it will go upwards only if you're flying, climbing or swimming.

Holdable items

Items such as blue bricks can be held now, you can also set your own ones.

NOTE: Trampolines does not exist on the original game, but it's still a nice touch.


These switches cannot be picked up, but no one will prevent you from adding a carryable version of them.