So many ideas, so little time...
=( I have way too many ideas for Game Maker. It's getting out of control. My "Game Maker Files" folder is overflowing. One moment I'm working on an FPS. The next I find myself in progress with a Sonic fangame. Then I start to develop a 3D Turret Engine. ( …
The Internet is a Series of Tubes
I'm working on a new puzzle game, titled, "A Series of Tubes". (Reference: Ytmnd)
Lol. So this game isn't gonna be something to just dump stuff on. It's "A Series of Tubes". I've begun developement, and here's a screeny.This Blog Has Been Prerecorded for Your Viewing Pleasure
Super Smash Bros Brawl = Epic Win
I finally got Super Smash Bros Brawl last Monday. Tis why I've been so inactive lately. Anybody else have it? If so, got wi-fi? I need someone to brawl with. My sister only likes the game because it has good music and anime boys. <_< My friends are barely ever …
Forum is back!!!
The forum is back today. Yay. :) I posted some updates on my WIPs there. Also, there's been nobody on the forum today except sumo and I? What happened? Did everyone suddenly lose all interest in the 64digits forums? :( I feel lonely. Anyway, let's get on with this.
Game …I Can Haz Fury?
The 64digits forums have been down for a while. What gives? What happened to the forums? >:( Fix the forums, plz. Thnx.
Anyway, while waiting, I've been checking out Super Smash Bros Dojo daily. I can't wait 'til March 9th!!! (Super Smash Bros Brawl US Release Date) I've been on …After Christmas...
Well, Christmas is over. :( I like Christmas. I got…
-A Sega Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure 2-A Gamecube-GBA Link Cable-NiGHTS Journey of Dreams for Wii-Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games for Wii-$150.00 in cash-Sonic Advance 2 for GBA-A New Wii Remote and Nunchuck …It's a blog! Deal with it!
Hai peepz. Welcome to meh new bloog. I sound leik a n00b, dunt i? Well I'm not. Just another example of the phrase "Looks can be decieving. That was rather pointless. Let's get on to teh bloog, shall we, good sirs?
PROJECTS:Well, I'm starting to learn about PHP and …Summer's End
The Summer is coming to a close. I've changed quite a bit this Summer. For example, I tried out Sapphire Tears in Early Summer, and now I'm really into it. Another example is that I've been browsing for other game design programs, to expand my horizons. However, some things never …
I can host Sapphire Tears.
Another day, another interesting blog.
Sapphire TearsHorray for me. I still stink, but I can host matches on Sapphire Tears. If you see the server "Shmit's Domain", try to join. I usually do FP while waiting for other players to show up. You can find a WIP of my …