MIDI Master 'progress'
Well, MIDI Master (see previous blog) is going slowly. It is incapable of anything right now, I'm just making a nice interface with scrollbars and such. I have the objects and initalized variables set up for the program, and a very good idea of that I need to do. I …
MIDI Master
I have decided to make a MIDI composer in GM. I still need to think it through a bit, but I have a good idea of what I'll need to do.
Interface: The interface will consist of several "channels," which run at the same time. You will be able to …0
lol whats with the 0 under the badges?
In other news…<img src="http://themusiclib.com/mldc3rd.png">Yup. First gets an email account, second gets an email account, and third gets a fancy picture. But whatever. The winners deserved it. (Only I think Crystal Fights should have won…)Its funny to watch …Secret Blog
<a href="http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=248970" target="blank">WTF</a><object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='400' height='16'data='http://themusiclib.com/xspf_player_slim.swf?song_url=http://themusiclib.com/uploaded/68.mp3&song_title=Techtris&autoplay=1'><param name='movie' value='xspf_player_slim.swf?song_url=http://themusiclib.com/uploaded/68.mp3&song_title=Techtris&autoplay=1' /></object>liek omg!<a href="http://www.9ymp3.com/fileurl.asp?fileurl=d07/2004/11/20/x3nww80b6nxsh67k58.rm" target="blank">here</a>How long until we nuke North Korea?
How long do you think it will be until we (America) start a war on North Korea? And how long do you think it will take for liberals to then claim "It's all Bush's fault"?
Anyway, I'm getting the feeling JakeX is never going to get back to me on …College Applications [Hero]
Gah, so much crap with these applications. Essays are not fun. And as I'm trying to get into MIT, I have to make sure it's perfect. I really want to get in. But this stuff isn't fun. I've got to also do this for 6 other schools, in the event …
Techtris (Tetris remix)
Well, I have my Tetris 'remix' uploaded, I'll be putting it into my game:
EDIT: I also uploaded a smaller version somewhere on themusiclib.<a href="http://64digits.com/users/HeroofTime55/techtris.zip" target="blank">Download Techtris</a><a href="http://themusiclib.com/index.php?act=archive&id=68">… Or listen online at musiclib!</a>Tell me what you think of it :DNow all I …Silly String
I bought 6 cans of Silly String. Unfortunately, it's non-flamable. It woulda made an awesome flamethrower.
Anyhow, Tetris is still on hold, JakeX STILL as of yet hasnt given me the GML. But when thats done, and I make a MIDI out of my awesome Tetris Remix, its going to …What the....?
Somethin odd happened for a sec, and I saw a list of apparently what is every single PM on 64Digits. lol. I'm just going to save the page to an HTML file i think, too lazy to go through messing arround with paint.
Anyway, I saw JakeX come on today. …20 minutes till Gold Rush
New update: NEVERMIND! well, i'm sure we coulda got a coin if everyone helped, but noone pitched in except Sgtpepper, who honestly didnt really do jack ciribot (sorry sgt). I had to go to the cheat site anyway for number 12, it was all foreign sports names that were spelled …