Posted by Kaz on June 26, 2006, 9:41 p.m.

[warning=Spaz]This user just overloaded, and spazzed across this blog entry. Don't get him angrier. He'll explode.[/warning]Yes I said it. Mario sucks. No not all newer 3d ones, theyre cool. The old side scrolling ones. I dont see anything thats fun with them, even when they first came out. I mean all you do is run and jump on mushrooms. Oh and in some levels you fly or swim, which is basically swimming without water.

OH BOY! FIREBALLS! Yea thats exciting, they move about 5cm a second. The enemy better not move for the next 30 minutes or Ill miss. DAMN YOU NINTENDO!

And can the story get any more dumb? You finally beat a level only to find the princess is in another castle! How does the princess get captured every month? And how the hell does bowser keep coming back?? I mean mario beats him in every game right? BUT THERES ABOUT 100 IDENTICAL MARIO GAMES OUT. Oh cool a new mario game for the DS. Oh wait, ITS THE SAME FRIKIN THING I CAN GET ON THE NES THAT I ALREADY HAVE! THATS DEFINETELY WORTH MY MONEY.

Hmmm what else do I hate about mario? Whats the point in collecting stars/coins? They offer no real value except for getting 'points'. If theres a currency in a game, I want to be able to buy things with it.

Now dont get me wrong, I hate all these new shooters that have all these fancy graphics and thats it. But at least they havent been made 100 billion times(except for WW2 games, they can go to hell).

Oh the only thing I hate more than mario is megaman. Even more retarded but I felt like hating mario atm.

Yea thats it for now. I expect alot of hate posts for this…


Kaz 18 years, 6 months ago

I dont know, ants tend to do well…

turquoisestar 18 years, 6 months ago

Hey, don't go bashing Super Mario Bros, that was the first video game I ever played, back in 1989 ;)

Remember though, that back when it first came out, this type of game was new to people, so that's why they enjoyed it so much. Of course, with how advanced games are now, the newer generation would look down on the classics as inferior.

I'd personally rather play the older games, because the new stuff just doesn't have the same feel, it's like they care solely about awesome graphics, and not nearly enough about how it plays (I mentioned this to Rhys Andrews, and he feels the same way)

Kaz 18 years, 6 months ago

they care solely about awesome graphics
I have a PS2 and an 8 year od piece of crap computer that cant draw in 3d, how much could I possibly care about good graphics?

I tend to focus on gameplay also. But the gameplay of old mario games is boring. There is absolutely no variety in any of those games. Maybe a new power every 1 or 2 games. Thats not enough to keep it intresting.

Maxcore 18 years, 6 months ago

Mario wants sex

so forget the wedding bells

jumping on mushroom men

and guys in turtle shells.

Maxcore 18 years, 6 months ago

That statement suggests that I was making an argument. I was just singing.

mixahman 18 years, 6 months ago

well that's why we all "try" to create games in our own image. There's a so call game maker program out on the net that will help u visualize your goal.

Maybe u should try creating a game with that. U know a game that u would probably like.

If "Mario" games don't have "gameplay" I really don't know what does! So tell me what games have this so-called "gameplay" u speak of?

Josea 18 years, 6 months ago

you know it was awesome 20 years ago, now in 21st Century standards have raised.

contrendo 18 years, 6 months ago

Stupid Kaz is just drunk.

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

may be, but I do wonder if mario was just drunk while you were playing the game, i mean, how does a mushroom super-size you?? it's like a drug or something…(if it is, the new mega mushroom is a super-drug). since when do mushrooms affect your size or give you more than one life?? oh well, i forgot it was fantasy…

Kaz, Super Mario Bros. was a revolutionary game in its time, it was one of the best games released at that time period (other than duck hunt!! whoo duck hunt!!). It also isn't the first game mario starred in, the first was jumpman… (funny, yesterday I watched futurama where Fry wonders if life was a video game, and Donkey Kong was in it…)

Alpha Man 18 years, 6 months ago

New Super Mario Brothers for the NDS DOES suck, I have to agree there.

Then again every game past SMWorld 2 sucked. The 3d ones didn't help the series out much at all.

My favorites were SMB3, SMW, SMW2, and OF COURSE, Donkey Kong for the GB. Now if Mario Vs. Donkey Kong was like that, I'd play it all the time… Haha, the Airplane Level SUCKED in that game… The GB version that is, not the horrible GBA one. :)