For the money?

Posted by Lapixx on Feb. 8, 2008, 10:05 a.m.

I don't know why, but somehow games are finished long before they are released. Perhaps they need to test it, you could think. But no, they are finished. Like REALLY finished. For example: The PC version of Assassins Creed. Some of you already know that it will be released in the end of March 2008. A bit late I think, because I know that AC is ready. Actually, I have an exemplar of it…

(sorry for the quality, but I changed some things in Photo Booth, accidentally)

Now is my question: Why do this people wait from releasing games like this? Of course they know how popular Assassins Creed is, but may be there is another reason. Money perhaps? If you wait some months, people perhaps buy a console, so they can play AC earlier than other people. Then, apparently there are some extra features in the PC version, so let's buy that version too!

Meh, that's not nice, but hey, what can you do about it huh? Somehow Ubisoft should have a contract with Sony and/or Microsoft, just something that says that they get an amount of money if they delay the game for other platforms for a few months.

Well, I'm not an expert at things like this, but it still is ridiculous…

So let's all boycot Assassins Creed for PC and don't buy it! Or something…


PY 17 years ago

Or better yet, one of us buys it, and uploads it to pirates bay along with all necessary components to play it. <_<

Lapixx 17 years ago

Nah, the game sucks on the PC anyways..

Nathan 17 years ago

Your eyebrows scare me.

Lapixx 17 years ago

Probably because of the black strip before my eyes..

PY 17 years ago

I bet that could be 'shopped, though.

Hold up a normal box, and thingy it in…?

Thingy? Whatever, I might try that.

@Tpb, not really the point, though…

Lapixx 17 years ago

Eer, what is "'shopped"? I don't follow.

ludamad 17 years ago


Rez 17 years ago

Or a left arm.

VigilantPsyche 17 years ago

Shopped means edited.

Graydon 17 years ago

Or legs, maybe he has two peg legs. Arrrrrr