I Gotta Get Motivated!

Posted by Reek on Sept. 30, 2008, 8:08 p.m.

I think this title could spawn a new texting abbreviation: IGGM




You're sitting on a park bench, just totally watching the world go by, when your buddy texts you this:

"We're not getting any younger, man. IGGM! We need to get off our butts and start that website/blog/online game that we've been talking about."

Your response? What else:

"IGGM too! Let's do it!"




So anyway, I am now trying to muster up the energy to delve back into a major upgrade of Techno Tower Defense. My Release 2 "ToDo" list looks like this:

1. Model, texture, and render 4 more levels

2. Develop an INTERESTING 15 mission storyline with dialogue, characters, a few plot twists, etc.

3. Make a level select screen and integrate its code into the TTD engine

4. Model, texture, render 3-4 new towers and gizmos to fight the bots

5. Code these and integrate into the engine

6. Playtest and re-balance the gameplay with these new abilities

7. Recruit a few actors/friends and film the cutscenes and mission briefings for for new missions

8. Develop one or two new minigames to link it all together

I want to do it, I know I can do it, but you know how it is…IGGM!


Cesar 16 years, 3 months ago

Motivation is the most difficult part of GameMaking or anything, really.

SteveKB 16 years, 3 months ago

lolz I motivate myself cause I'm capable of self motivation UGGSM!

Glen 16 years, 3 months ago

Read a book, watch a movie, play a game… Do any of those that relate to your game, somehow.

Book- sci-fi adventure or something with a good plot (storyline ideas)

Movie- visual ideas, storyline ideas, sound effects, etc…

Game- everything? lol…

Just watch something to give you some inspiration.

Biggs 16 years, 3 months ago

You want motivation? Here's your motivation. I have your family held hostage, finish your game as fast as you can if you ever want to see them alive again.

How's THAT for motivation?

[deleted user] 16 years, 3 months ago

When you have a free day, wake up, eat breakfast, get ready like you were going to go out in public, sit down, and start working.

Don't check your emails or anything first, or your favourite sites, just start working.

That, or reward yourself for doing stuff.

SixWinged 16 years, 3 months ago

Don't check your emails or anything first, or your favourite sites, just start working.
That's no fun. Kyou, you're no fun.

[deleted user] 16 years, 3 months ago