fall children low
riff raff: i was taking a splash down by the bay!
buster beat my back by the umbrella fella. we took turns tickling tiny tinsel teeth but buster's tickling begot a dumb-dumb-and-dumber type of divine. i used to yell for no reason but now i reason the yelling away:i …follow children
first you gimme piece then you gimme shelter in my shitstained banana taskforce gorilla. did i ever call you by your name or were you just my insane airplane in the spaceways making spaceface on my trace of trays? oh yeeeeeah that was you on the prick dick slurping creme …
Children follow
brokers stock brokers bring the stoked to the grouped up homey call it home fries bring me another less than that call it crap call it yesterday all the way bring it all the way home on the little piggy sipping dire pity in the firehouse criminal calling telephones freight …
You probably thought this blog was real.
Chuck Testificate.Hey you
Don't moooooooooove
AcidWILLChange your perception of everything in life forever.A site in need of fixing
@Admins: Feature-wise, we might as well as revert back to the minimalistic version of 64digits from mid-March if we can't have a fully-functioning site. Then there would be less things to worry about.
In addition to that, blog comments only appear when they feel like it, notably when loading a …Hello
Got a bass.
Planning on getting a decent USB mic. It might sound like a dumb move, but it costs $100 and it's a major step up from what I've been using (a webcam headset). I'll move into the world of professional microphones eventually…Very nervous about colleges right now. …Holden
If school hasn't required you to read The Catcher in the Rye yet, do it. Nothing ruins a good book like plot summaries, character analysis, and symbolism essays.
I could have been Holden Caulfield. I guess my outlook is a little more optimistic, but the hatred of phoniness and of …Really
The hardest thing about people is they always expect you to have something to say.