64jam Theme: Non-violence

Posted by Toast on Feb. 3, 2013, 5:02 a.m.

$%£& I need to make a game and have no motivation.

So let's have an old-school game jam you motherhuggers.

64 hours long. No prizes. Ludum Dare rules. I announce the theme as soon as the jam starts.

START Friday 15th February, 23:00 GMT/UTC

END Monday 18th February, 15:00 GMT/UTC


Just submit your game to 64digits and wait for a mod to accept it into the database!



1. 8.6/10 FireBug by Cesque

2. 7.7/10 Three's a Crowd by Unaligned

3. 7/10 priorities by Acid

3. 7/10 Phantasmal Dissonance by Kilin

3. 7/10 Riot by Toast

6. 6.3/10 Shinsetsu Ninja by Mega


Toast 12 years ago

I agree with what's said, I basically missed out key gameplay elements entirely due to notime:

1. rioters coming in waves from different directions

2. rioters throw things and start fires

3. units having limited health

4. More RTS-like command

I'm on Mac right now so can't play others, but good job colseed, I'm intrigued how a game based in that world would play out. The important thing is you learned some shit, I did too, it's alot harder than Game Maker to do quick things. I should have used Game Maker…

Astryl 12 years ago

Uploaded my entry:


Here's a DropBox link, in case people don't feel like waiting for it to show.

Shinsetsu Ninja

Read the readme in the zip if you have to. Important controls are the arrow keys and A to jump.

EDIT: A ninja ninja'd my attempt to paste the 64Digits link. D:

kyoutu 12 years ago

Mine and Paperclips submission is waiting to be accepted by a Mod :C

This was fun… We started this morning.

It's here if it's not accepted by a mod in time…


D: Sound is broken in Chrome, please use far superior FireFox.

Toast 12 years ago


Unaligned 12 years ago

Best. Game. Ever.

Graphics were nice tho

Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

Taizen's and my game is delayed due to me coming into a gratuitous amount of school work.

In the meantime, here's this guy.

Wooo look at him go!

Sound is broken in Chrome, please use far superior FireFox.
far superior FireFox.

Mairu 12 years ago

Worst game of the year >=(

You didn't even try to do anything clever with the theme!

And IMHO human bouncing is violence.

I demand the disqualification hammer of justice to fall swiftly upon ye.

Toast 12 years ago

I don't like Chrome because Google use it to track and record your Internet browsing habits. Has anyone seen where I left my aluminum foil hat?

Glen 12 years ago

$%�& I need to make a game and have no motivation! qq

Oh. It's over.

Unaligned 12 years ago

Quote: Toast
I don't like Chrome because Google use it to track and record your Internet browsing habits. Has anyone seen where I left my aluminum foil hat?
You might want to check this out. It's chrome sans the tracking.