64jam #2 April 6-20 Theme: Disturbing

Posted by Toast on March 30, 2013, 2:18 p.m.





Based on Ludum Dare jam rules

1. You can work alone or in a team.

2. Create a game in 7 days.

3. Games should be based on the theme.

4. All libraries, middleware, content creation, and development tools are allowed.

5. Source code is not required.


Acid 11 years, 10 months ago

Old css was way better.

I'm going to say I'm "In"… but I have a lot of stuff on my plate and I probably won't make anything.

LoserHands 11 years, 10 months ago

I'm in. I don't know if I will make it home from my Spring Break trip before the beginning of this jam, but I want to jam so put my name down.

Toast 11 years, 10 months ago

I had thoughts.

Thought number 1

What do people think about turning this into some kind of unprecedented meta-jam? As in, create something using any kind of medium you want, so long as it fits the theme. Games, music, art, prose, anything. In fact, the more unique the thing you create and the medium you use, the better.

I read the responses to my question on the "ask eachother anything" thread. What struck me was how some people avoid game dev-related blogs entirely, and vice versa, and the disjunction that may be creating. This could be another way the community can all be united together again, as everyone in the community is creatively minded in some way.

Thought number 2

Can anyone think of a cool way the results of the jam could be turned into some sort of end-product? The obvious answer is a compilation which is then put onto media (digital download, cd, etc) but I'm looking for ideas.

In fact I just got an idea now. Kilin was suggesting a jam-entry-improvement-jam. We could agree to all work on our entries after the jam finishes, which are then released exclusively in a compilation which is then sold "humble bundle" style. We could then give the proceeds to charity and/or to help maintain 64digits.

Just, yknow, thoughts. I tend to think ambitiously, but let me know what reaction you have.

JuurianChi 11 years, 10 months ago

we could agree to all work on our entries on the jam, which are then released exclusively in a compilation which is then sold "humble bundle" style. We could then give the proceeds to charity and/or to help maintain 64digits.
That's a good idea.

What do people think about turning this into some kind of unprecedented meta-jam?
Also a good idea.

Castypher 11 years, 10 months ago

What do people think about turning this into some kind of unprecedented meta-jam?
I have mixed feelings about this idea. I like it because it involves everyone instead of a small group of people, but I don't like it because we're already losing game design to the other arts right now and these game-only jams/competitions are pretty much all we have left. It also kind of forces us to focus in on one field that we may or may not be good at, rather than just choosing music (for example) because we know we're most comfortable with it.

Of course, that's just because my interest still lies primarily in game design while most others have moved on to something else. However, if we still keep a few exclusive competitions so I can keep doing my game thing without feeling like I'm the only one who's doing it in the entire meta, I probably won't mind so much.

At the same time, I can see that a meta-jam might actually further separate us instead of uniting us. In exclusive comps, we're more likely to look at other peoples' entries because that's what interests us, but in mixed comps, the game designers might not like the music portion and would therefore ignore that, and so on. Then again, in meta-comps we're attracting more people so it's less likely to get ignored, so take your pick.

Just a few morning thoughts. I am, however, in favor of doing this a few times, just not turning all of our jams into this sort of thing. The idea of entering in multiple categories sounds pretty fun, too. I'd really like to see this happen.

Because we could agree to all work on our entries after the jam finishes, which are then released exclusively in a compilation which is then sold "humble bundle" style. We could then give the proceeds to charity and/or to help maintain 64digits.
If anyone can find out how to distribute the games in such a way, I think this would be an amazing and worthwhile prize. Even if we don't make money from these things, the opportunity for publicity is worth a lot. My question is who would be able to set something up.


Toast 11 years, 10 months ago

Hadn't thought of it that way, Kilin, most probably you're right.

Pirate-rob 11 years, 10 months ago

"sexual exploration"


Kunedon 11 years, 10 months ago

It's a joke option, P-r.

ludamad 11 years, 10 months ago

We should play broken game-a-phone sometime. Everyone gets 2 days with the .gm file, with no hints what the last person was planning.

Castypher 11 years, 10 months ago


This is a good way to accomplish the "disturbing" theme, especially if the judges play it drunk, caffeine-hyped, and after midnight.