[V] 40 guests and 2 users?
For guests reading this - Actually register like one of the cool guys. There's 41 of you online now, so get on with it.
In other news, I'm sleepy as hell, and I think I'm just typing to be typing at this point. Although I've been wanting to break my …[V]We interupt this program to bring you this important announcement...
Fuck it, I'm failing at code in general. Here's the link. Someone please enlighten me on the BBcode command to embed this monstrousity.
(Embedded Video)Lolz ensue. And to those that will somehow feel insulted, I support gay rights. I hate knowing that people are still limited by their beliefs, …[V] 18
Yes. I'm 18 now. I dunno wether to revel or wonder why it is I can now go to war and die for my country, but not drink to it for another 3 years (Legally) Provokes some thought, doesn't it?
Now, I've been interested in getting Final Fantasy dissidia for …Stop changing my god dang title.
Yes, who ordered the #5 C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER with medium fries, large coke, and a side of diabetes?
SO ANYWHO, I might be getting very sharp objects from my girlfriend for my birthday. Like a sword or something, I'm guessing here. But I will see in about a week.COLLEGE. The …[V] Boredom.
I have nothing to do. NO-THING. It's pretty dull around here now, but that should change when college finally revs up.
—–Life—–I'm 18 in 13 days, and I'd have to say, it doesn't feel as good as it should feel for others. I mean, I can get drafted and …[V]And we're back with more ne-oh wait.
Yup, blogging time. Downtime was definately shorter, so that's a plus. But now the site is nice and unstable. You'd think we'd learn after about 3-4 server changes, but noooooo, it has to work like that.
—–LIFE—–I begin college in 14 days. I'm just counting down the days until …[V] Droppin' like flies.
So we've got michael jackson, Farah fawcett, and now billy mays. Jeeze, I'm waiting on Brittany to OD here, throw me a fricking bone here. Then again, Brittany didn't do anything noteworthy. Oh well.
—–LEAF—–My girlfriend is off in California for another week , and she won't be back …[V] Graduation and mini-fridges.
19100 people have been flipped the bird by robotnik as of this moment.
So after the long, obnoxious years of putting up with public school, I have finally graduated. It feels rather odd, knowing that I never have to go back to one of those damned places again. That and …[V] King of games?
There's one thing I've noticed, and it's the fact that we've never really had any game tournaments here. No battle to see who is the best at a certain game, no duel of skills… Nada. Well, except for maybe when Sapphire tears was going strong, battling for rank 1, and …
[V]Living Hell [1,2]
I got bored today, and decided that since I wouldn't have much to do this summer, I took up writing a story, after I got fed up with watching how 9/11 unfolded.
Before I begin my story, I feel it would be important to give you a little bit of …