[V]Spooooky Goast
Yeah, happy post-halloween and all that.
Guess who I went as? Myself. Yeah, I sound conceited, but dammit, I'm scary if I go around asking people for candy, dressed up the way I usually am. Just a few more chains here and there and there we go, lol.The night …[V] ST server marathon
Yup, I got another server up, this time it'll be up for probably the whole day, so long as the cable company doesn't fuck up again. Server will be named 'V', we'll be doing all kinds of random shit, so pop in and have some fun.
Other than that, highschool …[V] Sapphire Tears Revival
Seeing as I want to revive ST, I've decided to make an online server for the next 6 hours, as of 12 PM Central time.
http://forums.reflectgames.com/viewtopic.php?t=2257The newest update is located there, go ahead and download it and head to the server. There will be plenty of fun if enough …[V] Demo! / Sapphire Tears
Controls : arrow keys - move around and jump (There is no ducking… Yet.)Z - Read signsSome of you have been rather curious on the appearance of some of the things, so I also bring you screenshots.
[V]Progress? Yes indeed!
I'm about more than halfway done with the first boss of Project:Rebirth, and it's turning out much better than I imagined it would be. Fortunately, I got the sprite work done pretty quickly, and it turned out really good compared to some of my older work. Other than that, once …
[V]Project Rebirth demo
Yeah, I finalized a couple of things earlier and decided to release a demo showing off some of the (Not extremely impressive) graphics, gameplay, and what kind of enemies and challenges to expect. There's no sound, simply because I have no intention of fooling around with sound until I have …
[V] I saw the future and it was lame
So, I'm late to this party, but I learned something really funny and depressing about twilight princess today. You can easily kill Ganondorf… With the use of just a fishing rod. Easily distracted by shiny objects attached to fishing poles… Ok, now think here. This is a lord of fucking …
[V] Unite
So out of sheer luck and skill, I've apparently begun to form up a team of people to help with Project : Rebirth. I've got one that I know is willing to do level design, and has some experience in using flash/some 3D studio program thing, (I dunno.) for making …
[V] Project Rebirth
So, I've gotten a hold of the game file needed to reproduce and polish my first game, which led me to decide to stop pirating gamemaker and actually buy it for a change, since I'm now able to do that (Did I mention I got a debit card recently?) So …